The Deputy President of the IPN paid tribute to the victims of the Volhynia Massacre
The massacres took place within Poland’s borders as of the outbreak of World War II, not only in Volhynia, but also in other areas with a mixed Polish-Ukrainian population, especially the Lwów, Tarnopol…
I Love Poland first at the finish line with a monohull race record
This was only possible thanks to the cooperation of the Polish Embassy in Helsinki. Tłum. K.J.
The Battle of Warsaw was one of the most decisive events in the history of Poland, Europe and the entire world
To achieve that, it seemed necessary to weaken Russia as much as possible by depriving it of not only Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania, but also Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Caucasian countries.
In the latest issue of ,,Sieci": Poland-Israel - another attempt towards regularisation
The only thing we want is a partnership agreement regulating the principles of organising these trips.
The latest issue of “Sieci”: Polish volunteer at war in Donbass
However, military recruiters do not only encounter experts, tough guys and professionals, but also those who, for example, merely want to gain a foothold in social media.
ARTICLE by Karol Nawrocki, Ph.D: The constitution of Polish freedom
This is obvious to us Poles today, when on every 3rd of May we celebrate the anniversary of our adoption of this Constitution – the first in Europe and only the second in the world.
OUR SURVEY. In case of Russian aggression, would Germany and France help Poland? Have we learned our lesson from the Ukrainian experience?
The results are only slightly better than in the case of Germany. 27 percent of Poles believe in French help, while 47 percent answer negatively. The war in Ukraine has verified many myths.
Diplomats are back in the Ukrainian capital. The only ambassador who did not leave Kiev was Bartosz Cichocki!
Since the beginning of the Russian aggression, the only ambassador who never left Kiev was the Polish ambassador Bartosz Cichocki . Tłum. K.J.
Mija 41 lat od zamachu na Jana Pawła II na placu Świętego Piotra. 13 maja 1981 roku strzały oddał do niego Turek Mehmet Ali Agca
Krzyczał wówczas po angielsku „I only, I only” (tylko ja, tylko ja), co interpretowano potem jako zapewnienie, że działał sam. Tego też dotąd nie wyjaśniono. Na placu wybuchła panika.
Anyone who was pro-German - and Tusk certainly is no exception - was also pro-Putin. Berlin is the Kremlin's most important sidekick in Europe
They only paint a dead past. They represent a monument to unbelievable stupidity or perhaps something even worse than that.
Szydło openly about Germany's attitude: They are blocking sanctions; refuse to hand over equipment to Ukraine. They are clearly violating EU and NATO solidarity
Szydło: Germany is openly violating EU and NATO solidarity It is becoming increasingly clear not only in Poland but also in the West that Germany is playing the role of a brake mechanism when it comes…
10 objectives that Vladimir Putin has achieved in 50 days of war. This list is indeed "impressive"
Eighth: he led to the international isolation of Russia in many areas, not only economically, but also in the areas of culture, tourism, sport, etc.
PMM: In this environment the West has acted like a frog in water brought gently to the boil
…Only the toughest sanctions and the supplying of weapons to Ukraine will be able to stop the Russian army and defend Ukraine’s democracy and freedom.
Experience of the second Chechen war on the Ukrainian front: pacification of the society and impunity for the criminals
Punitive expedition That war had a huge impact on Putin not only because it brought him to power, but also because it had shown him an effective model for dealing with rebellious nations.
OUR SURVEY. Poles: the Russian army discredited itself in Ukraine. "Incompetence, lack of proper training, bad leadership"
…Only 8 percent of those surveyed held the opposite view.
Five key messages drawn from President Biden's speech. „Not one inch of NATO land will we give up; we won't fight there".
We are not only a frontline country, but a decision-making one in the most important battle in the free world since the fall of communism, and perhaps even longer. „ Do not fear!”…
"A plea for peace in the world". The chaplain of the President of Poland has written a prayer. The faithful are praying for Ukraine in several languages
It was born from the need of the heart, during the morning prayer vigil, even before the bestial aggression of Russia on Ukraine. „ There are no good wars only evil ones bringing harm, injustice, suffering…
Poles know how to distinguish between hybrid war involving migrants and the genuine tragedy of refugees
But we also need to remember that this is only the very beginning of the challenge. Today there are already one million refugees. If the war continues, this may be increased several times over.
EXCLUSIVELY. A photo report from Przemyśl. Poles help refugees from Ukraine. They offer free accommodation, transport and food
Błażej Poboży, deputy head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, told Radio ZET on Sunday morning that Minister Mariusz Kamiński had decided not to limit the train only to training sessions…
REPORT. Mother is travelling to Lviv to fetch her children. A personal story, full of wonder, rhetorical questions and crying out: "Why?"
She is not only going to collect her children; her friend has asked her to collect hers as well. Transporting children from distant Poltava to Zielona Góra poses quite a challenge.