Yesterday marked the fiftieth day since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. On this occasion, it is worth making a balance sheet of Vladimir Putin’s achievements. What has he accomplished in these 50 days?
The collapse of the myth of the ‘second world army’
First: he destroyed the myth of the „second world army”, which in a short period of time suffered more losses than the Soviet army did during the 10 years of the war in Afghanistan. In doing so, it exposed the ineptitude and scale of corruption of its leadership and led to the demoralisation of the soldiers involved.
Secondly, he lost any prestige and respect in the eyes of the civilised world after his troops began committing genocide against defenceless civilians. As a result of his actions the Russians will be accused of war crimes for the first time in their history at the Hague tribunal.
Thirdly, he consolidated the Ukrainian nation, closing the rift between the east and west of the country and effectively alienating the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine from Moscow. He thus helped to build up the modern national consciousness of Ukrainians, for whom anti-Russianism will be a constitutive element of their identity.
Fourthly: he destroyed the ‘Russky Mir’ project in Ukraine, depriving the Moscow Patriarchate of any significant influence over the Orthodox population of Ukraine.
Fifth: he has united the entire collective West against himself, leading many countries to change their policies, e.g. Switzerland has abandoned the principle of neutrality, Sweden and Finland want to join NATO, and Germany has declared an increase in arms spending.
The process of vassalisation of Moscow
Sixthly: it has resulted in the largest economic sanctions that have been imposed on any country since the Second World War, leading to a massive withdrawal of foreign businesses from the Russian market. This will result in the greatest economic crisis in Russia since the end of the Cold War, leading to inflation, unemployment and brain drain abroad.
Seventhly, he led to the closure of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and a change in the energy policy of the European Union, which has announced that it wants to become independent of Russian oil and gas within the next few years.
Eighth: he led to the international isolation of Russia in many areas, not only economically, but also in the areas of culture, tourism, sport, etc. He has turned the Russians into outcasts, with whom no closer relations are formed (no youth exchanges, no cultural events, no sports competitions) because they are treated as representatives of a nation of murderers.
Ninth: it has caused an increased US military presence in Central Europe, and has set in motion an arms race in the countries on NATO’s eastern flank, which are rapidly beginning to build military capacity with a view to confronting Russia.
Tenth: by closing Russia to the West, he has opened it to China, thereby setting in motion a process leading to the vassalisation of Moscow by Beijing and calling into question the future of the Far East including Zabaikal Krai, the Amur Oblast and the Sea State.
The list of Putin’s achievements is truly impressive and yet he has only passed the fortieth day of the war. There is still a great deal ahead of him.
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