Just how far can one distort reality? How far the vectors of truth and lies can become inverted, swapped. The propaganda of contemporary Russia shows that borders in fact no longer exist. But in Poland, too, we are struggling with the Putiniad, with a hypocrisy so brazen as to be breathtaking. And it is happening on a daily basis. After all, the leader of PO is speaking out almost every day. Today he went so far as to make such a statement:
In a way, such politicians in Poland who support pro-Putin policies - strike at the integrity of the EU, whether it is (head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zbigniew) Ziobro, who undermines our presence in the EU, whether it is Prime Minister (Mateusz) Morawiecki, who supports Le Pen or Orban, or whether it is (TVP president) Jacek Kurski, who oozes division and conflict around the clock - they are also Putin’s ballistic missiles. (…) These types of politicians are equally effective, but I suspect cheaper to manage.
Such lies cannot be left unanswered. After all, it was Tusk and his camp who acted as „Putin’s ballistic missiles” decades ago, and they acted twofold. Firstly, as the ones who were wooing Moscow and seeking an alliance with the Kremlin over the heads of the Ukrainians and Lithuanians. Secondly, as vassals of Berlin, which we know for certain today is the Kremlin’s most important supporter in Europe. The facts are clear: anyone who was pro-German - and Tusk was like hardly anyone else - was also pro-Putin. Whether he wished it or not. Most of the time he did.
Yes, we are passing a test of resistance to propaganda, to hypocrisy. Someone wanted a strong Poland, a strong army, an alliance with America, while someone else wanted to roll back the state, abandon regional policy and to kiss Angela’s feet. The people involved were real, and they were from concrete political camps. One - the PiS camp - was 100% right, the other one was profoundly wrong. Today it cannot even admit that it was at fault. It persists in absurd attempts to flip the script, although in fact it is simply bankrupt. It was wrong about all the most important matters. In fact, it was fundamentally and utterly mistaken on the question of Poland’s security.
It is pathetic to witness this attempt to resuscitate what has died. And what has died is Europe as we used to know it, constantly moving forward, overcoming every resistance on its way to becoming a superstate, ceding more and more power to Brussels and Berlin. That will no longer be the case. Such a course means death for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It means that Berlin will trade their independence and interests at the first opportunity, just as it traded Ukraine - and Poland too - for cheap gas. We do not yet know exactly as to what awaits us, or what this new era holds. It will certainly be full of threats and dangers, but one thing is certain: Tusk’s tired phrases do not depict it. They only paint a dead past. They represent a monument to unbelievable stupidity or perhaps something even worse than that.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/597352-berlin-is-the-kremlins-most-important-sidekick-in-europe