Donald Trump's moving letter commemorates Blessed Father Popiełuszko
Yesterday, in Chicago, I was honored to sign a Commemoration about this solemn anniversary and present it to Father Jerzy’s nephew, Marek Popiełuszko, as well as receive from him a book of Father Jerzy…
Patryk Jaki elected Co-Chairman of the ECR Group
I look forward to working alongside him to deliver a stronger, fairer, and more accountable European Union for its citizens.” km, source: ECR…
President of the Constitutional Court accuses those in power of a coup! He files a notice to the prosecutor's office against Tusk, among others
Prosecutor to conduct an independent investigation and will not in any way prevent him from doing so — said the CT chairman. He then turned to journalists.
wPolsce24 reveals: Kołodziejczak holds up a banner with a disgraceful inscription about refugees as ‘human trash’
However, this is not what should have made Tusk reflect, since he took him into government. In mid-2023. Kołodziejczak resented the Law and Justice government for ‘quarrelling’ Poland with Russia.
The decision of the Pope on the successor of Cardinal Nycz is in place. Archbishop Adrian Galbas as the new Metropolitan of Warsaw! ‘I accept it in obedience’
Francis appointed him coadjutor in the Archdiocese of Katowice, which he assumed as Metropolitan Archbishop in May 2023.
It was Donald Tusk and the rest of the Civic Platform who made Marcin Romanowski obtain asylum in Hungary
In response, one can jokingly say that Romanowski’s defence lawyer attorney Lewandowski should pay back part of his honorarium to Tusk and Grabiec, because they helped him a lot in ensuring that the Hungarians…
EXCLUSIVELY. Pawel Jablonski will file a notice of arrest following an entry! ‘He was simply reporting that the situation was serious’
They are charging him with up to five years in prison — Jablonski said. 500 zloty fine for a looter The Law and Justice MP pointed out that one of the looters detained was only to be punished with… a fine…
The Supreme Court has decided. Dariusz Barski as a National Prosecutor. The restoration from retirement and the appointment legally effective
At the time, he handed him a letter stating that the reinstatement of Prosecutor Barski to active service on 16 February 2022 by the previous PG Zbigniew Ziobra was to ‘have no legal effect’.
In the new ‘Sieci': The mystery of his faith. ‘A passionate story about the sources of Fr Olszewski's strength’; ‘He is a person sensitive to human suffering’
He learnt about her life and spirituality, which gave rise to a strong urge in him to help those affected by violence. Michał is a person who is sensitive to human suffering.
It is now Tom Rose. "He is a friendly and intelligent interlocutor. You can sense his journalistic and business experience"
I met him in person last December. He was invited by MEP Adam Bielan to attend the Study Days of the EKR faction in Warsaw. The two men know each other well.
OUR INTERVIEW. How will Trump's possible return affect global security? Wąsik: Republicans have always stood firm against regimes
The American people seem to believe him and as of today, in my opinion, he is the odds-on favourite to win,’ - Law and Justice MEP, former deputy minister of internal affairs and administration, former…
THE LETTER OF SEVEN. Outstanding artists in defence of Priest Michael Olszewski. ‘We request his immediate release from detention’
For the first 60 hours after their detention, Fr Olszewski and the officials arrested with him were premeditatedly tormented and humiliated, and in a manner that is recognised by international conventions…
Disclosure of medical confidentiality. Zbigniew Ziobro is now taking steps: I am filing a criminal complaint. This is punishable by 10 years!
Zbigniew Ziobro stresses that he was not examined by any expert; no one even spoke to him.
Washington in Warsaw?
He came back, even though many considered him to be a political corpse.
UWAGA! SYGNALISTA NADAJE! Nieoficjalny przegląd tygodnia w polskiej polityce od lewicy do prawicy
Mimo wszystko uważamy spotkanie obu mężów stanu (he/him) za niezmiernie udane. Rafał mógł sobie troszkę pogadać po francusku i nikt z tego się nie śmiał.
EXCLUSIVELY. Czarnek: There has never been such a legal mess in Poland as it is today, not even during the communist era
Then let him not leave, we will remove him by ourselves; the public will remove him from it — stated Przemysław Czarnek.
Angela who? Frau Merkel's fatal legacy. How the attitude to the political legacy of the former German Chancellor is changing
In her actions, the CDU president was reminiscent of Zelig, the hero of a Woody Allen film, who, like a chameleon, adapted to the environment around him.
Prof. Kamiński: Romanowski jest nie tylko członkiem polskiego parlamentu, ale i członkiem ZPRE. W tej drugiej roli także przysługuje mu immunitet
…zapewnić prawidłowy przebieg śledztwa za pomocą innych środków zapobiegawczych (np. zwolnienie za kaucją/poręczeniem majątkowym)/detention of an Assembly member requires very serious grounds as it prevents him…
In the latest issue of ,,Sieci": 60 hours of hell, or Fr Olszewski's letter from jail. "I begged for half a bottle of tap water..."
This was aimed at breaking him, he was constantly urged to testify „something”. The ABW officers convinced my client that this was being done on the explicit instructions of the prosecutor.
Lust for revenge, hatred and pathological elimination of political opponents. Trump's assassination was preceded by the same kind of hate speech we have in Poland
They have attempted to do so in various ways - by disgracing him, by adding lies to his legend, by threatening him with his alleged pro-Russianism, by putting him on trial, by preventing him from standing…