A firm reaction by the former Minister of Justice! ‘I am filing a criminal report on the disclosure of medical confidentiality, as well as the exceeding of powers by state officials subordinate to Donald Tusk, motivated by personal and political gains. This is punishable by 10 years!’ - informed Zbigniew Ziobro on platform X. This information was confirmed by TV wPolsce24. It concerns an Onet publication in which one can read the details of the politician’s health condition. Meanwhile, the expert on Zbigniew Ziobro’s health omitted key details!
The details of the medical expert’s opinion have been revealed
Let us recall, coalition politicians on 13 December refer to an expert opinion which supposedly shows that Zbigniew Ziobro can testify before the Pegasus committee. It should be pointed out that, according to the verdict of the Constitutional Court, the very scope of the Pegasus Inquiry Committee is unconstitutional! As MP Marcin Przydacz (Law and Justice), among others, pointed out, as long as the resolution to set up the commission does not change its form, it is ‘simply unlawful’.
Importantly, a spokesman for the neo-National Prosecutor’s Office conveyed that the prosecution in the case had obtained documentation from five national medical facilities, including hospitals, and that the expert had concluded that… direct examination was not required. At the same time, the Onet.pl portal revealed details of the medical opinion on Zbigniew Ziobro, in which it was alleged that the politician is currently ‘oncologically healthy’.
The expert radiotherapist-oncologist assessed that Zbigniew Ziobro had undergone cancer, but at the moment he is ‘oncologically healthy’, and that his condition was sound throughout the treatment process
— reads an excerpt from the opinion, clearly contrary to common sense, which found its way into the media.
The portal’s actions triggered a number of critical reactions. ‘’A disgusting text‘’
— we read in the comments.
This very opinion was referred to by MP Magdalena Sroka, according to whom the former Minister of Justice can appear before the Pegasus committee, despite the fact that he has been battling cancer for many months, has undergone a major operation, numerous treatments and is currently undergoing rehabilitation. At the same time, MP Sroka assured that the document would remain confidential.
Zbigniew Ziobro stresses that he was not examined by any expert; no one even spoke to him. Nor was it possible for the author of the opinion to be in possession of up-to-date medical records from foreign hospitals!
Ziobro takes firm steps
Now Zbigniew Ziobro himself has decided to take decisive steps.
I’m filing a criminal report on the disclosure of medical confidentiality, as well as on the exceeding of powers by state officials subordinate to @donaldtusk, motivated by personal and political gains. This is punishable by 10 years!
— he communicated on the X platform.
The disclosure of the expert’s opinion, including the omission of important examinations and information about the very serious surgery I underwent, is, in addition to a criminal offence, also a deliberate manipulation of public opinion, about the state of my health and the course of treatment of a malignant tumour
— he stressed.
The former minister stated that ‘Tusk is trying to conceal the true extent of the tragic flood and the deaths of many people, for which he bears responsibility’.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/707832-this-is-punishable-by-10-years