‘Bodnar’s gang received two powerful blows. The Supreme Court confirmed what the Constitutional Tribunal had said about the lawlessness in the National Public Prosecutor’s Office, and at the same time the court affirmed what Mr Romanowski’s defenders had raised, that he is protected by international immunity, which has not been lifted and Mr Romanowski cannot be arrested.’ - Prof. Przemysław Czarnek, Law and Justice MP and former Minister of Education and Science, said in ‘Guest of the News wPolsce24’.
The opposition politician commented in an interview with Marta Kielczyk on Adam Bodnar’s refusal to recognise the Supreme Court’s resolution on Dariusz Barski.
We will continue to have chaos in Poland resulting from the fact that they will refuse to recognise this ruling of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, which, after all, has never been questioned. The legal chaos is going to get worse. Such a legal mess as we have in Poland today has never been seen in this country, not even during the Communist era. We are in total lawlessness today and we will remain in it
— Przemysław Czarnek said.
The only just decision
In his view, the Supreme Court could not have made a different decision, because the Constitutional Court had already ruled in the same way on the same issue.
What about the fact that the Supreme Court made such a ruling? The CT had already issued a similar ruling in January and it is quite clear that evening is in the evening, the morning is in the morning, the sun shines during the day and the moon at night. Equally, it is clear that Mr Barski was never dismissed from his position. He was illegally thrown out of his office and a usurper was introduced who should not have been able to enter the function of the national prosecutor, because the national prosecutor Barski was never dismissed. This is clear even to a kindergarten child, and Tusk and Bodnar are messing around with Poland, and in a very dangerous way
— he pointed out.
Today we are facing a government of crooks and liars. Instead of the rule of law, we have the rule of lies and this lie is coming out of the Ministry of Justice and the KPRM
— Czarnek added.
Two blows
The former head of the MEiN noted that Donald Tusk’s coalition had received major blows today - the first being the SC resolution and the second being the court ruling that MP Marcin Romanowski was not eligible for arrest due to his international immunity.
The Bodnar gang has received two powerful blows. The Supreme Court confirmed what the CT too had spoken about lawlessness in the National Prosecutor’s Office, and at the same time the court confirmed what Mr Romanowski’s defenders had raised, namely that he was protected by international immunity, which had not been lifted and Mr Romanowski cannot be arrested. The powerful two blows received by Minister Bodnar, who was upset to the point of making a fiery speech that he would not leave the path he had taken. Then let him not leave, we will remove him by ourselves; the public will remove him from it
— stated Przemysław Czarnek.
Today we have a state in which the authorities are directly questioning the validity of the law; they are blind to state institutions. If Szymon Hołownia, from the chair of the Speaker of the Polish Parliament, says that there is no Constitutional Tribunal, and that the people who issued the ruling are ‘ clowns’, it means that we are dealing with total ignorance, but also with a total negation of the Polish state. Something like this has never happened before!
— he added.
Anarchisation of the state
The Law and Justice MP said that the real pain is a kind of anarchisation of the state in the administration of justice, which may lead to a situation in which real criminals will be able to challenge verdicts that are legally defective.
The danger arises from the fact that all the decisions that have been taken by the usurper in the position of state prosecutor are legally flawed, rendering everything that follows invalid. In the meantime, many genuine criminals, felons, thieves, rapists, who were charged or accused, will be able to actually question these charges very easily in any court of law
— assessed Czarnek.
Chaos at the foreign affairs committee
The host also asked Przemyslaw Czarnek about the chaos in the parliamentary foreign affairs committee, which was supposed to give an opinion on the ambassadorial candidates, but instead co-opted a new member of the committee in order to tip the scales in the vote to its side.
Of course, there was no coincidence in co-opting a new committee member
— he asserted.
It was an unbelievable show and I was in the middle of it. Well, there was a vote on the nomination of Jerzy Nowakowski as head of the facility, when the result was 13 to 13, and Mr Kowal ordered a vote as he always does, on the positive assessment of Mr Nowakowski. If such a vote is ordered and the result is 13 to 13 then the kindergarten child will understand that a positive opinion has not been given
— he continued.
According to the former head of the Ministry of Education and Science, chairman Paweł Kowal acted intentionally to ensure that the committee supported Mr Nowakowski’s candidacy even while stretching the justification obtained in the expert reports, for which the committee waited many hours.
In the meantime, Mr Kowal got completely lost, took a break in proceedings, called another sitting next to which we had, at one point, as many as three going on in parallel, and waited for the next few dozen hours for the legal opinion, which we asked for last night, and it was bizarre. It sounded that if it was 13 to 13, there was no favourable opinion, but there was also no unfavourable opinion, and yet there was no vote on the unfavourable opinion, because that was not the order of the President
— he explained.
We have therefore decided to alert the prosecutor’s office and all other state authorities, because a crime has been committed, and this in the foreign affairs committee, which is observed by all embassies
— Przemyslaw Czarnek emphasised.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/709456-czarnek-there-has-never-been-such-a-legal-mess-in-poland