In the latest issue of "Sieci": The mystery of Tomasz Szmydt's escape. We uncover the goals of the activity of the fugitive judge to Belarus
Not only that, I immediately went to the police station where I was tested with a breathalyser. The result = 0.0.
President Kaczynski: Poland today has become a country where we can hardly speak of any rule of law. We are going to have political prisoners
In a country where there are elections… I hope there will always be elections… and it is dynamic for many other reasons. And Mr. Speaker really can’t feel be calm.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski: My brother's line of action was to try to rebuild Polish patriotism, i.e. the strength of the Polish nation
This is where a conflict arose with those who, in the most direct way, could be described as post-communists and those who wanted to maintain this post-communism, as this specific system that arose in…
Farmers protested in Warsaw. Talks with Hołownia and Grabiec ended in failure. "The government has not proposed anything"
Then, the protesters marched in front of the seat of the Prime Minister, where they met with the head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Jan Grabiec.
White House. Speech by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda
Poland joined the free world, the West, where it has always belonged.
Is Russia planning war in the Balkans? The following are three places that could be a "hot spot" where a new conflict may erupt
At this point, as many as three sites in the region could constitute a „hot spot,” i.e. a place where a new conflict may erupt.
Prof. Piotr Glinski: the Polish democracy is being devastated at the moment. The Polish state is in great danger
It is very good that there are private media that are independent and free, that’s where we are. But it is well known that there is a great imbalance of power here.
German Death Camps. "In response to Ms. von der Leyen’s slip yesterday, we’re making it clear that..."
The who, whom, when and where are clear enough, the only incomprehensible thing being the why.
What is the implication of Bodnar's visit to Brussels? Tarczynski: European alibi will not be of any help. They are spreading chaos, Poles will suffer financial losses
This is how he commented on Adam Bodnar’s visit to Brussels, where he was to present a plan to „restore the rule of law” in Poland. „ [Their] violation of the law is causing chaos, they need an alibi for…
What is a little Pole not supposed to know? "Changes to the school curriculum airbrush important topics from our past"
The authors of the school curriculum were therefore eager to dispense with suspicions ( no one knows where they came from) about alleged expansionism, imperialism or the actual achievement of Polish culture…
New EU taxes, migration and treaty changes were topics of Morawiecki's talks in Brussels. "Centralization is a road to nowhere"
…immigration in the long term, is not to open the doors in Europe, but to effectively protect the borders and even a generous, honest policy towards those countries that are experiencing various tensions and where…
European Union seeks death of family farming for ideological reasons. "Farmers are the past, migrants are the future"
But the biggest demonstrations so far have taken place all over France, where access to Paris was blocked for several days.
President Duda: I am deeply shocked that people of crystal integrity have been locked up in prison
For all these years, the most important goal for me has been that the Polish state should be a state of justice, fairness, so that we can proudly declare for all time: „We are a country where corruption…
I spent the day with defenders of the Television News Agency (TAI) at Powstańców Warszawy Square. "They want to take away our freedom"
I heard from a Warsaw cab driver who drove me and cameraman Mateusz Maksiak to Warsaw’s Powstańców Warszawy Square, where the headquarters of the Television News Agency is located.
What is the situation in Poland? Tusk's government is forcibly suppressing public media that are critical of him. They simply cut off the legitimate media from broadcasting
At that time, a „back-up studio” was created, in a military unit, where the politically correct program was broadcast from, and the legitimate television was turned off.
Etniczni symulanci. "Sprawa Sainte-Marie wstrząsnęła Kanadą. Jest to w końcu lubiana i ceniona artystka"
Elvis Presley, Cher, Barbra Streisand, Janis Joplin i Neil Diamond, a w 1983 r. otrzymała Oscara jako współautorka piosenki „Up Where We Belong” do filmu „Oficer i dżentelmen”.
EXCLUSIVELY. The success of Wilders' party in the Netherlands. Klynstra-Komarnicki: It's as if the Confederation suddenly became the largest party in Poland
Wilders is the author of a website where one could report Poles who annoy their Dutch neighbours.
Jarosław Kaczyński spoke in Krakow in the Sokół hall. The President of Law and Justice spoke about the problem posed by the changes to European treaties
After that, this Council will refer the matter to the European Council, which is where we have representatives, the highest representatives of the states.
WOT - just how easy it is for some politicians to spoil success. "It is a profoundly wrong move to contrast the WOT with other types of armed forces"
It is easy to destroy a formation which is based on voluntary enlistment and where the primary motivation for service is patriotic enthusiasm and love of the uniform.
Zagraniczne firmy zbrojeniowe przy stole z Zełenskim. Zabrakło Polski? Fala komentarzy, PGZ odpowiada, cieszy się... niemiecki dziennikarz
…„ Gdyby nie Polska, Ukrainy już by dziś nie było…” Where Poland? That’s disgraceful Sir! Remember: „How Germany helped blaze Putin’s path into Ukraine”. Where was Poland? My już całkiem na oucie?…