‘Not everyone is convinced that it is worth voting in these elections, and these are actually extremely important elections for two reasons. The first is the following: the first six months of the rule of our political opponents have shown that Poland’s march towards Europe, towards the living standards of Western Europe, has been hindered, it is already starting to reverse; we have the first symptoms of a crisis,’
— said Law and Justice president Jarosław Kaczyński during a meeting with the inhabitants of Otwock.
The decisions that are being implemented are detrimental to Polish society, detrimental to our most basic interests
— Jarosław Kaczyński pointed out.
Not so long ago, Donald Tusk was ‘ratted out’ by the French Prime Minister. (…) He bluntly said: „we forced Eastern European countries to accept the migration pact.” This means that we will have to take in tens of thousands of illegal immigrants every year or else pay
— he stressed.
German-French plan
We are facing a certain grand plan, a grand plan that is generally called European, but which is actually German-French. A plan to subjugate the weaker European countries to the stronger ones. A plan which, when finally implemented, by adopting new European treaties or bypassing the existing ones, will mean that Poland no longer constitutes a state, but merely an area where Poles live, governed from outside,
— he said.
In Europe, freedom is in retreat; there is less freedom today than there was 20-30, or even more 50 years ago. Today, you can end up in prison for stating the obvious such as, for example, that there can be no children from a pair of two men. These are absurdities, madness, but that’s the way it is out there. And yet they are trying to introduce this in Poland, there is a ready-made law on hate speech, and it is such laws that give grounds for repression for speaking obvious truths
— he pointed out.
President Trzaskowski in Warsaw and the new governor of Lublin are removing crosses from administrative premises (…). Well, this is a blow to that freedom which is the mother of all freedoms. (…) In the end, it may end up that the crosses in churches are also in the way
— he added.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/694117-tusk-was-ratted-out-by-the-french-prime-minister