Bielan: Ukraine's wounds will scar generations
…„Let us not forget the tremendous costs Ukraine has been paying for standing against Russia for Europe’s security: Bucha’s horrors, far over 10,000 civilian deaths, the tremendous military losses, 10 million…
The Rev Lech Lachowicz of Szczytno is dead. He was brutally assaulted in the vicarage. Doctors fought for his life for several days
Lech Lachowicz, the long-standing parish priest of St. Brother Albert’s parish in Szczytno, passed away in the forenoon on 9 November 2024.
wPolsce24 reveals: Kołodziejczak holds up a banner with a disgraceful inscription about refugees as ‘human trash’
…Standing in a white shirt next to the current Prime Minister, he argued that the rule of the Civic Coalition is what farmers and Poland in general now need.
Nieudane show. Demokraci rozczarowali konwencją. Bezprogramowa, pełna wpadek nie przysporzy głosów Harris
W imieniu praktycznie wszystkich mediów protest wystosował Stały Komitet Korespondentów (Standing Committee of Correspondents) zrzeszający dziennikarzy akredytowanych przy kampanii wyborczej.
Lust for revenge, hatred and pathological elimination of political opponents. Trump's assassination was preceded by the same kind of hate speech we have in Poland
They have attempted to do so in various ways - by disgracing him, by adding lies to his legend, by threatening him with his alleged pro-Russianism, by putting him on trial, by preventing him from standing…
'Donald, stop lying'. New PiS spot. Blaszczak: He was well aware that he would not fulfil 100 demands in 100 days; he deceived the public
The Members of Parliament who are standing here with us today are only a part of our team that visited all ministries yesterday. The result of these visits is what we expected.
What is the implication of Bodnar's visit to Brussels? Tarczynski: European alibi will not be of any help. They are spreading chaos, Poles will suffer financial losses
The Brussels alibi is not enough to prevent Poles from standing up to this.
OGNIEM NA WPROST. Murzyn w rosyjskim okopie. W okopach lądują przedstawiciele tak egzotycznych krajów, jak Somalia
Czarny, chcąc polepszyć swój finansowy standing, zabrał się w Moskwie za „kręcenie prochem”. Drug trafficing (handel narkotykami) szedł jak po maśle.
Glapiński: Dalej będziemy kupować złoto! Marzeniem jest, żeby w rezerwach NBP osiągnęło poziom 20 proc.
…„To czyni Polskę bardziej wiarygodnym krajem, lepszy standing mamy we wszystkich ratingach, jesteśmy poważnym bardzo partnerem i będziemy dalej to złoto kupować.
Rotmistrz Witold Pilecki in the mass consciousness is a hero of equal standing to ancient heroes.
Pięć okrętów wojennych NATO wpłynęło do portu w Gdyni. Wśród nich są jednostki z Niemiec, Holandii, Hiszpanii, Portugalii i Polski
Stały Zespół Okrętów NATO Grupa 1 - SNMG1 (Standing NATO Maritime Group 1). W Porcie Wojennym Gdynia stanęła polska fregata rakietowa ORP Gen. T.
Is Berlin standing alone in its attacks on Poland? German politicians should recognize the importance of events in Washington
In Washington, as I hear, they read the polls carefully. And in Berlin, they only read the introductions in German portals.
ARTICLE by Karol Nawrocki, Ph.D. "The constitution of Polish freedom". "Freedom and sovereignty are not set in stone..."
It is also true today, when Ukraine is standing up to defend itself against the Russian invasion. Karol Nawrocki, President od the IPN mk, source: IPN…
Zatrute owoce gender. Protestujące feministki kontra LGBT+. "Sprowadzając wszystko do oświadczenia woli"
Po przeciwnych stronach kordonu stanęły feministki z organizacji Standing for Women oraz przeciwna im manifestacja środowisk LGBT+.
Prof. Glinski: In relations with the EU, the time is working in our favour. "As long as we have a sovereign government, the string will always be taut."
We are standing up, working hard, and solving Poland’s problems. There are those in the United Right camp who believe that this is the very essence of the trap.
RELACJA. 293. dzień wojny na Ukrainie. Prezydent Zełenski przestrzega: Rosja nie zrezygnowała ze swojej taktyki terrorystycznej
…poplecznicy są zbrodniarzami wojennymi, próbują użyć zimna jako broni, by złamać ducha wyjątkowych ludzi, jakimi są Ukraińcy — powiedziała cytowana w komunikacie Freeland, uczestnicząca w konferencji „Standing…
OUR INTERVIEW. Prof. Krysiak: Germany applies aggression through Von der Leyen that aims to destroy the economies of the EU countries
The standing of Western business has strengthened a lot, but at the same time our companies have started to be very competitive.
Are the Germans really beginning to think like the Poles? Unfortunately not, and they will not for a long time to come
The long-standing policy of close alliance with Russia has collapsed, and it has become clear to the whole of Europe what a mess Berlin has put it in.
ARTICLE by Karol Nawrocki, Ph.D: The constitution of Polish freedom
It is also true today, when Ukraine is standing up to defend itself against the Russian invasion. Karol Nawrocki…
Yet another Fidesz victory from the perspective of a Polish publicist. This is a good sign and a question about foreign policy correction
The situation is very similar to what we see in Poland, except that the standing of the Hungarian governing party is stronger in medium-sized cities than that of the Law and Justice party in such places…