What is the situation in Poland? Tusk's government is forcibly suppressing public media that are critical of him. They simply cut off the legitimate media from broadcasting
Former Prime Minister Beata Szydło wrote: „ Strong people” sent to the PAP headquarters to illegally take it over are sitting in the hall of the facility and waiting, stopped by @pisorgpl MPs.
Is Russia planning war in the Balkans? The following are three places that could be a "hot spot" where a new conflict may erupt
Jakov Milatović was previously Minister of Economy in the government of pro-Serbian Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić.
Tusk robi totalitarny kordon sanitarny wokół Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, a Konfederacja mu pomaga
To jest retoryka gwarantująca mu prime time w mediach bliskich Tuskowi.
TOP 10 quotes from President Andrzej Duda's interview for "Sieci" and wPolityce.pl. "The line of the rule of law - I will never allow it to be crossed"
…„Donald Tusk is not my candidate for prime minister.” I said that two candidates were presented to me during the consultations held at the presidential palace.
EXCLUSIVELY. The success of Wilders' party in the Netherlands. Klynstra-Komarnicki: It's as if the Confederation suddenly became the largest party in Poland
In the 150-member Dutch parliament, after 98 percent of the votes were counted, Wilders’ party was followed among others by Frans Timmermans’ United Left (PvdA/GroenLinks) (25 seats), Prime Minister Mark…
Opozycja odrzuca Koalicję Polskich Spraw i ofertę premiera. "O 8 lat za późno"; "Nie słuchamy go, nie ufamy mu i nie wierzymy"
Propozycja premiera nie pasuje do daty listopadowej, tylko do Prima Aprilis. (…) Premier ogłasza nagle koniec Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, którą to partię ma zastąpić enigmatyczna Koalicja Polskich Spraw.
Jarosław Kaczyński spoke in Krakow in the Sokół hall. The President of Law and Justice spoke about the problem posed by the changes to European treaties
Poland is represented by Prime Minister Morawiecki.
Consultations between president and parties on new government end
The president had not yet picked his candidate for prime minister, Holownia also said. mk, PAP jch/md…
Prime Minister challenges German EPP leader to debate. "Enough is enough"
The Polish prime minister has challenged the leader of a major European Parliament (EP) group to a debate after he accused Poland’s ruling party of breaking democratic rules.
PM says incumbent party will try to form gov't if asked by president
Mateusz Morawiecki, Poland’s prime minister, said on Sunday evening that if the president entrusts his party with the task of governing, it will try to form a stable government.
Polish History Museum opens in Warsaw. "The Polish people influenced the fate of Europe"
According to the prime minister, Poles helped overthrow the communist system and free the Eastern European nations from „the empire of evil.” „ We have nothing to be ashamed of as Poland’s history is one…
NASZ WYWIAD: Dr Trzeciak o przebiegu kampanii wyborczej: Obecną sytuację oceniam jako wyjątkowo dynamiczną
Jest jeszcze ten element, że nie zawsze ci politycy, którzy np. w TVP w tzw. prime time występują, mają szansę wystąpić w prime time TVN.
Ruling party launches plan to revitalise prefabricated residential blocks. "Over 8 million Poles live there"
Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has unveiled a project aimed at modernising and revitalising prefabricated housing blocks as part of his party’s campaign for the forthcoming general election…
Everything we have done for Ukraine, we have done justly. If there is anything we regret today, it is the price Ukrainians will pay for their current illusions
As the Russian tanks marched on Kiev, and Prime Minister Kaczynski, President Duda and Prime Minister Morawiecki decided to give Ukraine Polish tanks and whatever we possibly were able to offer, in Berlin…
Jaroslaw Kaczynski says he will quit goverment after elections. "I don't want to be prime minister"
Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the governing Law and Justice (PiS) president and a deputy prime minister, has said his presence in the cabinet is “temporary” and he will leave the government after the general election…
Jest już zwiastun filmu Holland o polsko-białoruskiej granicy. Lawina komentarzy. "Postanowiła pomóc PiS w kampanii wyborczej"
CZYTAJ RÓWNIEŻ: Prima Aprillis już był, więc to, niestety, prawda? Agnieszka Holland przygotowuje film o… migrantach z granicy polsko-białoruskiej?…
NASZ NEWS. Niepokojący zwrot ws. Ogórek i Ziemkiewicza w SN. Sąd odrzucił wniosek o wstrzymanie wykonania kary. Zapłacą grzywny?
Z całą stanowczością Sąd Najwyższy zaznacza, że nie przesądza w żadnej mierze o końcowej ocenie zasadności wniesionej skargi nadzwyczajnej, jednak jej lektura nie prowadzi prima facie do wniosku o oczywistej…
President says Polish soldiers changed course of history in 1920. "They defended the whole of Europe"
The day’s main events took place on Pilsudskiego Square in central Warsaw where leading figures, including Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak, attended a ceremonial…
Z urzędu zrobił przybudówkę TVN. Bronił „Margota", imigrantów Łukaszenki, fejków Tuska - nagradzają go Senatem
Gdy wyszło na jaw, że mundurowi przyjechali nie w sprawie aborcji, a w sprawie zgłoszenia ryzyka podjęcia próby samobójczej, były RPO oczywiście nic nie sprostował - liczyło się tylko to, że w prime time…
Warsaw Uprising commemorations held in Polish capital. "Above all it was a fight "between good and evil."
Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, laid flowers at the memorial plaque dedicated to Lech Kaczynski, a former Polish president who initiated the construction of the Warsaw Uprising Museum when…