The most important conclusion of the past seven weeks: Law and Justice has stood its ground, but must be ready for the coming waves of illegality and violence

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Kielce, 28.01.2024. Law and Justice (PiS) President Jaroslaw Kaczynski (C) during a meeting with local residents as part of the "Let's Be Together" campaign at the Provincial Cultural Centre in Kielce, 28 bm.  / autor: PAP/Łukasz Gągulski
Kielce, 28.01.2024. Law and Justice (PiS) President Jaroslaw Kaczynski (C) during a meeting with local residents as part of the "Let's Be Together" campaign at the Provincial Cultural Centre in Kielce, 28 bm. / autor: PAP/Łukasz Gągulski


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