Tusk is clearly losing his nerve, and surely his successive statements expose his true intentions regarding the policies he wants to pursue against those who hold different views
— states Law and Justice President Jarosław Kaczynski, responding to Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s threats, who claimed that „it doesn’t matter if someone is a male or female parliamentarian of the Law and Justice party. It is irrelevant. We will vote to revoke the immunities of all those who choose to violate the law. There will be no sacred cows.”
Leader of the opposition adds:
The moment he returned to Poland from Brussels, Donald Tusk has evidently been betting on strong social divisions and political annihilation of social forces that represent a different idea of the country’s development and, above all, focus on strengthening Polish sovereignty and statehood. Threats and bullying is a common method of the political environment of the Platform.
Regardless of the fact that they talked a lot about democracy and freedom, in fact, it is this democracy and freedom, as well as pluralism of thoughts and views that they brutally wish to stifle. One example of how this is done is the entirely unlawful and violent takeover of the media, threats directed at parliamentarians, journalists, or protesting citizens who question this type of actions.
It is highly symbolic that along with the Civic Platform’s rise to power, those who face serious corruption charges are being released from prison and brought to European salons, while those who fight against pathologies and abuses are being stripped of their parliamentary seats and sent to prison.
As the leader of the Law and Justice party, I would like to emphasize with all my might that as a truly democratic political milieu, which is built on values such as freedom, solidarity towards others, we will always, in situations of violation of the law, firmly protest and resist it.
Everyone who is attacked by the Tusk government can count on our support and assistance, including legal support, in the case of any repressive actions. Given the developments that are taking place right before our eyes, including the destruction of public institutions, their political appropriation, the restriction of access to information, we must not give in. Every person attacked by Tusk and his appointees can count on our support.
While we take the side of the citizens, we will with all our strength defend a law-abiding and democratic Poland
— Jarosław Kaczynski stresses.
The opposition leader’s statement was supposed to be released by the Polish Press Agency but its new leadership, imposed by the Tusk government, refused to publish it.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/676529-exclusively-kaczynski-responding-to-tusks-threats