Minister Mariusz Kaminski: The aim of Lukashenko was to break the Polish state. But we have defended ourselves. And important words: EU must draw conclusions
…What was the situation in the backstage? Mariusz Kaminski: We have shown that it is not true that a blow of this kind cannot be met with a firm response.
The Ukrainian lesson: this is how little Germany is willing to sacrifice for the other European nations. Soon, they will trade us too
They did not understand that these tensions are the result of the perception among some elites in Poland of what and how the European hegemon actually plays the game.
Dziecko króla Lira. "Sinéad żyła skandalami. Miały jej pomóc uciec z klatki mainstreamowej sławy"
Cover utworu Prince’a znalazł się na szczycie list przebojów na całym świecie, podobnie jak album, z którego został zaczerpnięty: „I don’t want what i haven’t got” (Nie chcę tego, czego nie mam).
Controversy over the number of deaths. Niedzielski: There are very big differences between countries in the approach to classification
…„ If we look at what is written on the death certificate, because that’s the most important information, then of course it depends on a certain practice of decision-making or description by the doctor…
Na Sousę spadają gromy! "Okazał się Siwym Bajerantem"; "Nie wolno mu teraz pójść na rękę"; "Flop Paulo, Flop"
Do you understand what you say? @paulomcdsousa Thank You for your answer.
Five reasons why the Warsaw conference of European conservatives came under such furious attack
…What has taken place is of major European significance - the dogma that the border cannot be effectively defended has been rejected.
"Sieci": Increasing aggression on the Polish-Belarusian border by illegal migrants and Belarusians. "20 defenders have been injured"
We don’t know what will happen then, but this would be difficult to stop. And they would throw all their propaganda forces to show the world that it is we who are the aggressor.
Kumoch demaskuje propagandę o "porażce" rządu ws. kryzysu na granicy: "Papier zniesie wszystko, ale szacunek do czytelnika już nie"
No matter what.
Who is bothered by the remembrance of Poles rescuing Jews?
…What a lowly position the Polish authorities have fallen in in their miserable attempt to satisfy the appetites of voters eager to believe in this heroic fantasy.
OUR INTERVIEW. Prime Minister Morawiecki for wPolityce.pl: The situation is very dangerous, the overall picture is not good. The time has come for Brussels to draw some conclusions
It is time for our partners in Brussels to separate what is most important from the divisions that will always exist.
GREAT ACTION: Support our boys defending Polish borders. Send a postcard to the heroes, show them your support!
…What you see on the footage is only a mere fraction of their struggle against the provocations of a post-Soviet dictator.
Frontex, Turkey, a barrier at the border? How many migrants wanted to return to their countries? Interesting threads in the Prime Minister's speech at the Parliament
Just a month or two ago, it seemed that what Turkey wanted was close cooperation with us.
EXCLUSIVELY. Can Poland give in to the EU? Jacek Saryusz-Wolski: There is nothing to give way in; we cannot go backwards
We asked Jacek Saryusz-Wolski on wPolsce.pl television what else Poland can give in to the EU. There is nothing to compromise on; we cannot go backwards.
The new law on defence of the homeland. Deputy Prime Minister Kaczyński: A state lying on the border of NATO and the EU should possess a significant power of deterrence
That is what it is all about at the moment — he noted. The firepower, the ability to strike over long distances - these all need to be increased manifold.
"Lukashenko and Putin will lose this war". Minister Mariusz Kaminski explains the situation on the Polish border with Belarus
But what is more important here is Putin, who would like to have control over the migrant flow, to be able to turn the tap on and off as he pleases.
German labour camp for Polish children on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź (1942–1945)
…“At first, we didn’t realise what kind of camp it was and what conditions would prevail, because we hadn’t known such conditions.
Powerful statement from the Prime Minister in Slovenia: We do not want to be taught by anyone from Western Europe what democracy is
We have a much longer tradition and we don’t want to be lectured by anyone from Western Europe about what democracy is, what the rule of law is, because we know it best.
The government introduced a state of emergency at the border with Belarus. But what does this actually involve?
The state of emergency will cover 183 towns - a narrow zone of towns directly adjacent to the border.
What is the current situation on the border with Belarus?
…What surprises me is the politicians, especially those from the Civic Platform, who are trying to undermine, discredit and criticise these actions. That is absolutely a misunderstanding — he said.
Gliński: We won't be pushed out of the EU. "We demand a partnership within the European Union - this is guaranteed to us by the European Treaty"
We believe that what the European Commission is currently doing does not comply with EU law. Prof.