The aggression of illegal migrants and Belarusians who help them is increasing on the Polish-Belarusian border. More and more dangerous objects are being thrown at our soldiers and officers. The number of wounded is increasing. The situation there is not getting any calmer. In addition, a new „tourist” route - through Moscow - is looming on the horizon.
In the pages of „Sieci” the journalists Marek Pyza and Marcin Wikło describe the current situation on the eastern border.
The journalists emphasize that there are cases of injuries among Polish soldiers and officers:
The threat is real and persistent - reports the officer who has been near the border for several days. Every day brings reports from the Border Guard about the relentless aggression faced by the Polish side. The authors tell us about the situations faced by the Polish services:
Every day the Border Guard publishes action videos on their social media profiles. One should watch them carefully, because they show exactly the kind of things we have to deal with […]. Polish soldiers are particularly aware of provocations. They quote the words of one of the soldiers: „We are aware that we must have nerves of steel. They want to make us react more violently. They are hoping that one of us might not be able to stand it and, for example, shoot. We don’t know what will happen then, but this would be difficult to stop. And they would throw all their propaganda forces to show the world that it is we who are the aggressor.
The journalists further observe:
Lukashenko is not acting alone. According to many experts, the whole crisis is controlled by Russia and this country may soon become a gate to Europe for illegal migrants […]. Reading the daily statements of the Border Guard, we see that what we are dealing with on the other side are not defenceless, poor people. It is often an enraged horde that has in its arsenal: firecrackers, slingshots, stones, bottles and tree branches […]. According to data from last week, around 20 defenders of the Polish borders have been injured to date. Unfortunately, this number may grow, because the provocations are still mounting.
— they state
Tłum. K.J.
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