We asked Jacek Saryusz-Wolski on wPolsce.pl television what else Poland can give in to the EU.
There is nothing to compromise on; we cannot go backwards. This ultimatum from the other side sounds as if they want Poland to admit its guilt and then they will graciously stop illegally withholding the funds. (…) Past experience shows that when we raise our tone, they lower it - I mean the Prime Minister’s speech in Parliament, and then the summit, and then the interview in the Financial Times. On the other hand, when we try to hold out an olive branch to them, when we look for so-called compromise or amicable solutions, they raise their tone and threaten
— said the Law and Justice MEP.
Jacek Saryusz-Wolski is not afraid that blocking the National Recovery Plan (KPO) could be a problem for Poland:
Only a firm „no” will result in a change on the other side and only this will bring about a payment which, by the way, we should not care about (…) and we should not care about it because we can replace it with our own loans on better conditions and free of the conditional strings attached to it. Besides, this takes away the main, cardinal argument of the other side, that we can be forced into something, not to say bought.
In the opinion of the Law and Justice MEP, a firm „no” to blackmail and threats is the only possible solution.
When asked whether Poland could veto key EU decisions such as the climate pact, for example, and whether a veto is in fact the „atomic bomb” that Poland has at its disposal, Jacek Saryusz-Wolski replied firmly: „blockade versus blockade”:
We had two atomic bombs, in July at the budget summit and in December; we failed to use them twice and were deceived. This time we have another atomic bomb, and it is necessary to maintain that we will use the veto, and we can also use blockades in other areas. This is about the general principle of blockade versus blockade. The Spanish, who once gave us advice on how to negotiate accession, said that for so long the European Union had been walking all over them, humiliating and punishing them, until they started blocking everything at a very early stage of their membership, and then it ended. Poland should do the same
— emphasises the politician.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/571896-exclusively-can-poland-give-in-to-the-eu