Matrioszka z Chobielina. "Robiliście z Siergiejem rok Polski w Rosji i rok Rosji w Polsce, nic nie mówiłam..."
Ja mam tu kontakty w „Łożesztyngton Post”, to się napisze, że mister Shekorsky to jest wery important person for de łor przeciw Raszja, więc Raszja sieje dezinformację. Ju andernstend mi?…
Polish National Fundation together with NATO soldiers at Westerplatte
In order to address the soldiers’ wishes, PFN enabled them to participate in the celebrations at Westerplatte, which were held with the participation of representatives of the Polish government.
"24.02". This is the title of the photographic exhibition opened under the honorary patronage of Professor Piotr Gliński, Deputy Prime Minister
The photographs were taken by Maciej Biedrzycki and the commentary is by Krzysztof Kapłon.
The Polish National Foundation has supported the creation of an exhibition marking the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising
The exhibition consists of 16 pairs of photographs depicting destroyed Warsaw during the Warsaw Uprising, together with Mariupol and the surrounding towns of Kiev, which were methodically bombed by the…
Generał majtek. "To są wasze autorytety? Ci sami, którzy za Sikorskim powtarzali, że PiS chciał z nami rozbioru Ukrainy dokonać?"
…Wery. – Odpoczęliście? – Za wszystkie czasy. A nie, „czasy” to jest u was „zegarek”… Za wsie zegary!…
Prime Minister Morawiecki is questioned on whether V4 group cooperation would be back, and what about Poland's friendship with Hungary
The Poles, too, are probably more ready for this today than they were in March or April. Tłum.K.J.
NATO soldiers with Polish National Foundation in the Vilnius region
Foundation in handing over Christmas parcels to victims of the war in Ukraine as part of another PFN project, ‘Paczka na Kresy’, and also visited facilities where aid was provided to the children, who were…
War losses suffered by Poland as a result of Nazi Germany's aggression amount to one and a half trillion dollars
There were around 30 scientists - historians, economists, property experts - and 10 expert reviewers working on the report.
Waters nie przestaje szokować. Napisał list do Zełenskiej. Prosił o... pokój. Co odpowiedziała pierwsza dama Ukrainy?
Swój list otwarty opublikowany na Facebooku rozpoczął cytatem z utworu Pink Floyd „Wish you were here”: „Czy wymienisz rolę statysty w wojnie na główną rolę [w klatce]”?…
I Love Poland first at the finish line with a monohull race record
There were 27 yachts on the start line, with 213 male and female sailors of 18 nationalities on board. „ The pride of another international victory of I Love Poland is not the pride of the operator, but…
EXCLUSIVELY. Maciejewski reporting from Donbass: "The explosions in Crimea have made a change on the frontline - you can feel a whiff of victory".
The Russians have been fighting through the quantity of weapons, which were and are in a terrible state, not their quality.
Jarosław Kaczyński in "Sieci" on relations with the EC: "We have shown our utmost goodwill but the concessions haven't brought any results. It is high time we drew conclusions".
However, these were agreements and arrangements which worked both ways. And this is not about not paying the membership fee, but about other actions and undertakings. Which are?…
Another edition of the international educational programme "Zwiastun" addressed to NATO soldiers stationed in Poland
As part of the framework of the project, educational trips were organised to places that are relevant to the history of our country.
Georgette Mosbacher in the weekly 'Sieci': Never believe the lies about Poland! Poles were right, and today they deserve the Nobel Prize
She also admits that our nation was right about the intentions of the Russians.
The Battle of Warsaw was one of the most decisive events in the history of Poland, Europe and the entire world
They were immediately followed by the Bolshevik Red Army, fulfilling Lenin’s orders to begin its “freeing” march west. This operation had a telling codename –“Vistula”.
In the latest issue of ,,Sieci": Poland-Israel - another attempt towards regularisation
They observe that… it must be a difficult experience for these young people just to visit German (although located on our territory) former concentration camps, places where Jews were mass murdered during…
The Deputy President of the IPN paid tribute to the victims of the Volhynia Massacre
It was largely thanks to her efforts that these people were finally given a dignified burial.While paying tribute to those who lost their lives at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists, it is important not…
40th anniversary of the Fighting Solidarity
As a consequence, thousands of people took part in the demonstration, and barricades were erected in the streets of Wrocław. Fights against the Citizens’ Militia lasted until late at night.
The inflation rate in May amounted to 13.9 per cent. Central Statistical Office publishes the data! But what is the economists' forecast?
According to analysts interviewed by PAP Biznes, prices in May were expected to increase by 13.8% y/y and by 1.6% m/m.
The latest issue of “Sieci”: Polish volunteer at war in Donbass
He drove with his boys through the hell of the Russian offensive and through villages that were being battled over.