Bielan: Ukraine's wounds will scar generations
In a debate in Strasbourg to mark three years of Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine, the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Group warned against easing sanctions against Russia…
The decision of the Pope on the successor of Cardinal Nycz is in place. Archbishop Adrian Galbas as the new Metropolitan of Warsaw! ‘I accept it in obedience’
For me, the most important church in the last three years and especially in the past year and a half when I have had the honour of being a bishop.
The Supreme Court has decided. Dariusz Barski as a National Prosecutor. The restoration from retirement and the appointment legally effective
The resolution was adopted by a panel of three judges of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, headed by the President of the Chamber, Zbigniew Kapinski.
Aż tak się boją? "New York Times": Kongres USA zdominuje skrzydło MAGA. To zwolennicy Donalda Trumpa
…w przyszłym roku najważniejsze stanowiska” - ocenia „NYT”. „ Guardian” przypomniał, że Greene należała do zwolenników ruchu QAnon, była powiązana ze skrajnie prawicowymi zbrojnymi milicjami, w tym z Three…
Uratować Europę. "Ratowanie Starego Kontynentu przed rolą co najwyżej skansenu dla reszty świata"
Inicjatywa Trójmorza (The Three Seas Initiative – 3SI) powołana w 2015 r. przez prezydenta Andrzeja Dudę i prezydent Chorwacji Kolindę Grabar-Kitarović skupia obecnie 13 państw położonych w rejonie mórz…
After the PKW's decision, is there still a chance for fair elections? The time has finally come to recognise that someone is attempting to steal Poland
So they did not recognise the ruling on the Law and Justice subsidy, downplaying the position of the Commission’s chair and the other three members. Ryszard Kalisz is taking this fight much further.
OUR NEWS. Foreigners from Germany? Poland does not say no! Since the beginning of the year, ZERO cases of objection to Berlin's actions
In the last three months alone, such transports have arrived in our country from 14 EU countries.
THE LETTER OF SEVEN. Outstanding artists in defence of Priest Michael Olszewski. ‘We request his immediate release from detention’
All of these actions and, above all, the prolongation of the imprisonment of the three unconvicted persons are clearly politically motivated.
Nie żyje Jimmy Carter. Były prezydent Stanów Zjednoczonych, laureat Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla zmarł w wieku 100 lat
…była jednak znacznie mniej udana i naznaczona wieloma kryzysami, wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi: stagflacją (stagnacją gospodarczą połączoną z inflacją), kryzysem naftowym, wypadkiem w elektrowni jądrowej Three…
EXCLUSIVELY. Czarnek: There has never been such a legal mess in Poland as it is today, not even during the communist era
In the meantime, Mr Kowal got completely lost, took a break in proceedings, called another sitting next to which we had, at one point, as many as three going on in parallel, and waited for the next few…
Angela who? Frau Merkel's fatal legacy. How the attitude to the political legacy of the former German Chancellor is changing
The case is different for the former Chancellor, who until recently was considered - along with Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl - to be one of the three giants of politics in post-war Germany.
Mateusz Morawiecki challenges Donald Tusk: I expect very strong provisions to prohibit forcing Poland to do forced relocation
…only did they not believe that we would build this border in six months, but they even mockingly stated - and this in the mouth of the current Prime Minister - that this barrier would not be built in three…
Trójmorze jako blok geopolityczny. "Perspektywy umocnienia Trójmorza zależą od spojrzenia KE na bezpieczeństwo regionu"
Osiągnięcia Najważniejszym sukcesem Trójmorza było powołanie w 2019 r. w Luksemburgu Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund.
Soldiers detained for firing warning shots at the border. Morawiecki: ‘Stop this madness, you are like pyromaniacs’
As Onet reports, the Gendarmerie has detained three soldiers who fired warning shots at advancing migrants on the Polish-Belarusian border.
OUR NEWS. Law and Justice is making things more dynamic in Europe. Staff changes, new strategy. In the background, new movements in the EU and Trump
Our contactees point to just three.
Is Russia planning war in the Balkans? The following are three places that could be a "hot spot" where a new conflict may erupt
At this point, as many as three sites in the region could constitute a „hot spot,” i.e. a place where a new conflict may erupt.
Tusk speaking enigmatically in Berlin on reparations. "I would like to look to the future"; "I don't want to create a front of mutual resentment out of this matter"
And all three of these reasons make me think seriously about the fact that settling some accounts would certainly constitute a historical justice.
OUR NEWS. Law and Justice is making things more dynamic in Europe. Staff changes, new strategy. In the background, new movements in the EU and Trump
Our contactees point to just three.
What is a little Pole not supposed to know? "Changes to the school curriculum airbrush important topics from our past"
…avoids - in favour of tolerance, and such generalities from contemporary newspeak - any association with the Polishness of the Eastern Borderlands, or the territories taken by Russia as a result of three…
What is the situation in Poland? Tusk's government is forcibly suppressing public media that are critical of him. They simply cut off the legitimate media from broadcasting
There are three major media groups that operate in Poland’s television market.