Attack on the media

What is the situation in Poland? Tusk's government is forcibly suppressing public media that are critical of him. They simply cut off the legitimate media from broadcasting

Policemen sent by the government to forcibly - against the law - take over public television / autor: PAP/Kalbar
Policemen sent by the government to forcibly - against the law - take over public television / autor: PAP/Kalbar


Nowa telewizja informacyjna wPolsce24. Oglądaj nas na kanale 52 telewizji naziemnej Nowa telewizja informacyjna wPolsce24. Oglądaj nas na kanale 52 telewizji naziemnej Nowa telewizja informacyjna wPolsce24. Oglądaj nas na kanale 52 telewizji naziemnej

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