O nowej strategii wobec wojny na Ukrainie. "Żadnej gry nie będzie można prowadzić bez zaangażowania i sympatii Polski"
Polska jest zdaniem Autorem „major European power in the making” czemu towarzyszy zmiana statusu Francji i Niemiec, które w oczach Stanów Zjednoczonych przestają być jedynymi partnerami na naszym kontynencie…
MARTA KACZYŃSKA-ZIELIŃSKA. Na drodze kontrkultury. "Rozkład prywatnej i publicznej moralności"
W 1969 r. wydał on książkę „The Making of a Counter Culture”, w której przekonywał, że kontrkultura jest formacją przeciwstawną kulturze Zachodu, która zdoła zastąpić obowiązujące od 2 tys. lat prymitywne…
Battle of Warsaw, 1920. "One of the most decisive events in the history of Poland, Europe and the entire world"
Piłsudski’s ambitious plans regarding Russia can be divided into three stages: Breaking of the “First Russia” (white) making use of the Bolsheviks, Breaking of the “Second Russia” (red) by the Polish Army…
OUR SURVEY. Law and Justice with strong support. Poor results of the Third Way - a joint committee of the PSL and PL 2050
The Civic Coalition is making slight gains. On the podium, despite the loss, is also the Confederation. Poland 2050 continues to score poorly.
Indexed offer: wholesale prices of electricity for companies
A business client who uses POI gains the following advantages: • freedom of decision making concerning purchase of energy - based on any criteria whatsoever, according to his own strategy (in annual, quarterly…
The Polish National Foundation became involved in the making of the film, depicting the fate of the Polish hero, as it is in line with its statutory goals of promoting the country internationally and reducing…
Tomasz Poręba: there are very tough economic interests behind the EU's anti-Polish policies. „This is why Donald Tusk has come here."
They’re already making an attempt, and it’s a serious one. The Law and Justice government will never accept it.
Opposition protest in Warsaw. "Free and brave people", "old political foxes”
Donald Tusk, the leader of Civic Coalition, the largest opposition grouping, claimed that as many as 500,000 attended, making it, in his words, “the largest democratic assembly in the history of democratic…
Patryk Jaki: EP's amendments to migration pact will make negotiations with Council very difficult
With the proposed changes, the Parliament wants to give the Commission even more decision-making power than the Commission had proposed and wants to leave it up to the Commission to decide when to use…
The Law and Justice Party asks 10 questions to Donald Tusk. Why did he cancel the debt to Gazprom? Why did he liquidate military units?
…3) Why did the PO-PSL government under your leadership approved a gas contract with Gazprom up to 2037, making Poland completely dependent on Russian energy?…
Two personalities. Two interviews. Two diametrically opposed points of view. Which world do we choose to live in: Schwab's or Peterson's?
A manifestation of this danger is the further fading of barriers between humans and machines in decision-making processes, which, he added from his side, is the essence of the „fourth industrial revolution…
Prof. Glinski: In relations with the EU, the time is working in our favour. "As long as we have a sovereign government, the string will always be taut."
We are steadily strengthening our state and building our position in the Union - in order to become a country that is treated equally and has a joint decision-making role.
OUR SURVEY. Poles are unanimous: adopting the euro means higher prices. "Giving up one's own currency always brings a wave of price hikes"
The euro consolidates differences, making it impossible for poorer countries to catch up with the richest.
Mural dedicated to defense of Redoubt No. 54, commonly known as Ordon's Redoubt (Reduta Ordona)
This is what happened when the Russians surrounded the redoubt and then broke inside, making it impossible for the defenders of the facility to retreat.
Prime Minister Morawiecki for wPolityce.pl: There is no Tusk effect, it's pure nonsense, spin, and PR. "He himself is like a grumbling Smurf Grouchy".
The most important thing is that Poles can see the enormous effort we are making to defend the country from the effects of war and crises.
Najpoważniejsze instytucje finansowe świata i największe banki przewidują recesję w strefie euro. Kryzys ma być tak głęboki, że może skończyć się upadkiem wspólnej waluty
Aby uzmysłowić jak potężne będzie uderzenie w Europę, powiem, że nasze prognozy sprzed pandemii i obecne różnią się o pół biliona euro — mówiła w Brukseli na konferencji „Making Markets Work For People…
Russian deputy prime minister asked Tusk to lobby for Russia's gas interests? Minister Buda: Yet another scandalous document
Over the last few months, the government of the Russian Federation and the joint-stock company Gazprom have been making every effort to settle a series of problems in relations with Ukraine regarding gas…
Are the Germans really beginning to think like the Poles? Unfortunately not, and they will not for a long time to come
The increasingly brutal - and at the same time non-treaty and non-democratic - bludgeoning of successive countries (Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Italy) for the bad choices of their citizens is making Berlin…
The Polish National Foundation has supported the creation of an exhibition marking the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising
The aim of the exhibition is making visitors aware that, despite the many years that have passed since the end of the Second World War, the actions of the current Russian aggressor constitute a repetition…
OUR SURVEY. At an objectively very difficult economic and social time, this scale of support for the United Right is truly impressive
The above factors are making the opposition very hopeful of breaching support for the United Right. After all, if not now, then when?…