There have been two high-profile interviews recently published by two world-famous personalities, regarded in many circles (not necessarily correspondingly overlapping) as authorities.
The attractive Chinese model
In the run-up to the start of the World Economic Forum in Davos, the chairman of the initiative and author of the „Great Reset” concept, Klaus Schwab, gave an interview to China’s state-owned English-language television station, China Global Television Network (CGTN). In the interview, he described the Communist People’s Republic of China as a „model for many countries,” even a „very attractive model.” He also stressed the role of Beijing in the „systemic transformation of the world” to which his Forum aspires. He added that he hopes to pursue the „fourth industrial revolution” project together with the Chinese.
It is worth remembering that two months ago, in November 2022, the same Schwab, in an interview with the same CGTN television, complimented the People’s Republic of China as „the main positive protagonist of the ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism to lead the ‘world of tomorrow’.” Of course, in his public statements about the world’s largest communist state, it is very difficult to find any criticism of Chinese totalitarianism, widespread surveillance, the social credit system or political and religious repression and persecution.
China’s horrific model
In a completely different vein, another well-known figure recently spoke out - Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, who gave an interview to Australian TV station Sky News. He, in turn, warned against the introduction of a totalitarian, automated social credit system in Western countries. Such a model, he observed, already prevails in China today. If it were implemented in the West, it would spell mortal danger for basic civil rights and freedoms. A manifestation of this danger is the further fading of barriers between humans and machines in decision-making processes, which, he added from his side, is the essence of the „fourth industrial revolution.”
According to Peterson, the measures and restrictions imposed on societies during the pandemic may pave the way for a social credit system in the future. In this sense, Covid-19 may be considered a testing ground for such solutions. According to him, they will be introduced under the slogans of convenience and making life easier (e.g., if we could pay for everything with our phones) or fighting global warming (e.g., by setting personal limits on carbon emissions and combined taxes). According to him, it would take a „miracle” for such a system not to be implemented in Western countries.
Two personalities. Two interviews. Two diametrically opposed points of view. Which world do we choose to live in: Schwab’s or Peterson’s?
Tłum. K.J.
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