What is a little Pole not supposed to know? "Changes to the school curriculum airbrush important topics from our past"
In the case of the formation of the People’s Republic of Poland, there are no terms such as: legal opposition and independence underground - there is also no concept of the Cursed Soldiers or the Unbroken…
EXCLUSIVELY. Szydło: PO was supported not only by social media haters, but manifestations inspired by them
She suggested that legal acts passed in the Parliament with the participation of Monika Pawlowska, and earlier without the participation of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik, may be subject to a legal…
Law and Justice President: Germany is adopting a racist attitude towards Poles. They have not changed in relations with Poland, and Tusk fits into the picture
…beginning, Law and Justice Party spokesman Rafal Bochenek recalled Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s statement at a press conference after a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin: In a formal, legal…
New EU taxes, migration and treaty changes were topics of Morawiecki's talks in Brussels. "Centralization is a road to nowhere"
He stressed that the Tusk government is violating the constitution and disregarding laws, which will soon lead to legal chaos.
Is Russia planning war in the Balkans? The following are three places that could be a "hot spot" where a new conflict may erupt
It is clear that the Dayton Agreement, which ended the country’s war in 1995, cannot continue to provide a legal basis for the functioning of this federated state.
Law and Justice Party submits a motion for a vote of no confidence against Sienkiewicz! An attack on public media in the background. Blaszczak: "These are the methods used in Russia"
If the coalition wanted to change the legal order on December 13, that’s what parliament is for (…), and not bringing in a security company at 3 a.m. — Blaszczak said at a press conference.
Hideous text in the German "Bild": President Duda incites against the government. "He illegally pardoned his criminal colleagues"
Donald Tusk can always count on his German friends to step in and help him regardless of what he does is legal or not. This time the German tabloid Bild has come to his rescue.
The most important conclusion of the past seven weeks: Law and Justice has stood its ground, but must be ready for the coming waves of illegality and violence
…which we are now: the brazen, gross lawlessness that has taken over the rule under the banners of love for the Constitution, the forceful takeovers of institutions to which one seeks (unsuccessfully) a legal…
Paczuska o zamachu ekipy Tuska: Działania nowej koalicji byłyby uzasadnione, gdyby media publiczne opanowali Rosjanie
Nikt „na legalu” nie wyłącza sygnału kanału TVP, nie blokuje skrzynek i portali, nie pomiata pracownikami.
Czy taki był od początku ich zamysł? Horała ujawnia, kim jest Andrzej Ilków, nominat Laska do rady nadzorczej CPK!
Partner zarządzający kancelarii CW Legal Czarnik Kołodziejczyk i wspólnicy, doświadczenie zawodowe w firmach consultingowych takich jak Andersen, Ernst&Young i Deloitte, był też dyrektorem wykonawczym…
President Kaczynski: Poland today has become a country where we can hardly speak of any rule of law. We are going to have political prisoners
It turns out that there are judges who are willing, with some changes in the legal qualification of these acts, to sentence him to a lower, but equally scandalous sentence.
President Duda: I am deeply shocked that people of crystal integrity have been locked up in prison
Unfortunately, my decision from the very beginning aroused an ardent dispute that also translated into legal interpretations that we had not encountered before.
EXCLUSIVELY. Kaczynski responding to Tusk's threats: „Every person who has been attacked by him can count on our support"
Everyone who is attacked by the Tusk government can count on our support and assistance, including legal support, in the case of any repressive actions.
I spent the day with defenders of the Television News Agency (TAI) at Powstańców Warszawy Square. "They want to take away our freedom"
They explain that there is no legal basis for all that is happening. Every step taken by the Tusk government is simply illegal.
What is the situation in Poland? Tusk's government is forcibly suppressing public media that are critical of him. They simply cut off the legitimate media from broadcasting
Ryszard Piotrowski , a constitutionalist from Warsaw University, states: „ The minister’s actions are not based on sufficient legal grounds.
W Katowicach powstanie resort przemysłu, którego szefową ma być prof. Marzena Czarnecka. Budka: Jest twardo stąpającą po ziemi Ślązaczką
Czarnecka jest radcą prawnym, partnerem w kancelarii Czarnecka Legal z siedzibą w Warszawie.
Violation of the Constitution, a blow against private property, and use of secret services. The summary of the attack on the public media
Resolution with no legal force On the evening of December 19, the parliamentary majority passed a media resolution - calling on „all state organs of the Republic of Poland” to „restore constitutional order…
Premier powołał Jastrzębskiego, dotychczasowego przewodniczącego KNF, na kolejną kadencję. "Ze świecą szukać lepszego fachowca"
W 2017 r. został ujęty w zestawieniu +Legal 500’s GC Powerlist: Central and Eastern Europe+ – liście wyróżniających się prawników w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej” - wskazano w informacji.
Dean Gregory, ojciec dziecka skazanego na śmierć: „W sądzie widziałem piekło, dlatego ochrzciłem córkę”
Tak się złożyło, że Dean Gregory doświadczył nie tylko czystego zła, lecz także bezinteresownej pomocy i poświęcenia ze strony wolontariuszy reprezentujących organizację Christian Legal Center.
WOT - just how easy it is for some politicians to spoil success. "It is a profoundly wrong move to contrast the WOT with other types of armed forces"
They are subject to the same legal rigours as members of the other branches of the armed forces.