Yet another Fidesz victory from the perspective of a Polish publicist. This is a good sign and a question about foreign policy correction
For Poland, the results of the vote are a good omen, proving that left-liberal pressure can be successfully resisted.
Ogniem na wprost. Szopka Putina, Rosjanie vs. dron i apel Oleksandra Mazura. „Panie Jareczku, rozwiązałem problem”
Klasyczny przykład braterstwa broni po rosyjsku, a także świętej w normalnej armii zasady „No man left behind” (Nikogo nie zostawiamy w tyle).
EXCLUSIVELY. A photo report from Przemyśl. Poles help refugees from Ukraine. They offer free accommodation, transport and food
A special medical train prepared to carry injured people from Ukraine left Warsaw on Saturday. Part of the train’s wagons contained humanitarian aid, which was transferred to the Lviv region.
Dziś wybory przewodniczącego i wiceszefów Parlamentu Europejskiego. Kto kandyduje? Jaka jest procedura?
Do tej pory czworo posłów ogłosiło swoją kandydaturę: Roberta Metsola (EPP, MT), Alice Bah Kuhnke (Greens/EFA, SE), Kosma Złotowski (ECR, PL) i Sira Rego (The Left, ES).
OUR SURVEY. Law and Justice gains, Civic Coalition loses. Strong result for the Confederation. 5 parties in the Parliament
In turn, the Left Party loses 1 point, currently gaining the support of 7% of respondents.
Marek Lisinski was not molested by a priest. The court issued a clear verdict. "The claims of the plaintiff are not credible"
He acted together with left-wing activists Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus and Agata Diduszko-Zyglewska allegedly in defence of people molested by priests.
Five reasons why the Warsaw conference of European conservatives came under such furious attack
In the first place , people on the left, in its broadest sense, know that today the forces of the European right - even if they are not yet in the majority - mean much less than they should, precisely…
OUR SURVEY. PiS gains very high support despite strong attacks in the media. KO minimal loss. 5 parties in the Parliament. CHECK
Support for the Left remained unchanged at 9 percent. 2 percent of respondents chose the Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe - again, no change.
OUR SURVEY. PiS firmly on the rise, Confederation gaining. Civic Coalition, Poland 2050 and the Left Party losing. CHECK the results
The Left Party was supported by 7 percent of respondents - a decrease of 2 points. Kukiz‘15 maintained its support from the previous survey - 2 percent.
The first Polish tank drivers have left for the US on training. The head of the Ministry of Defence: We have started preparations to receive Abrams tanks
As he added, in connection with these preparations, the first Polish tanksmen left for the USA on training courses.
Prof. Witakowski: Przyczyna rozerwania kadłuba w Smoleńsku. Artykuł prof. Wójcika powinien mieć siłę trzęsienia ziemi
Kryminalistycznych) dostępnym na stronie , a wydawanym przez American Academy of Forensic Sciences (Amerykańską Akademię Nauk Sądowych) ukazał się artykuł zatytułowany „Mass spectrometry of the soot left…
Frontex, Turkey, a barrier at the border? How many migrants wanted to return to their countries? Interesting threads in the Prime Minister's speech at the Parliament
…concerned about it, we do not like it; our assistance to Turkey has unfortunately turned out to be a one-sided favour — said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Tuesday Responding to MP Maciej Gdula (Left…
OUR SURVEY. 51% of Poles support right-wing parties. PiS very high, Confederation rising, Agreement losing. CHECK OUT
The Confederation and the Left are on the rise. Five groupings would enter the Parliament.
OUR SURVEY. Record-breaking support for PiS. Jarosław Kaczyński's formation with the best result in many months
There were no changes in support for the Left Party - again, 7 percent. Kukiz‘15 has the support of 2 percent of respondents - no change.
German labour camp for Polish children on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź (1942–1945)
The Germans hastily 11 got on a truck and left the outpost. Once they had decamped, the main gate on Przemysłowa Street was left wide open.
NASZ NEWS. Klęska Trzaskowskiego! Prokuratura umorzyła śledztwa ws. Marszu Niepodległości z 2019 r. Nie było nawoływania do nienawiści
…symbolu Niemieckiego Frontu Pracy, flag z symbolem „miecza i młota” - symbol strasseryzmu, narodowo-bolszewickiego skrzydła w szeregach niemieckiego ruchu nazistowskiego, flag z symbolem „Good Night Left…
Na nowy rząd w Belinie trochę poczekamy. Liberałowie zdają sobie sprawę, że w koalicji z SPD i Zielonym, będą swoistą „przystawką”
Przegranymi niedzielnych wyborów w Niemczech są partia obecnej kanclerz Angeli Merkel CDU-CSU i komuniści (Die Left), ale to wcale nie oznacza, że nowy rząd pod przewodnictwem SPD powstanie szybko i bezboleśnie…
Fogiel after the CJEU decision on Turów: They might as well have demanded the bombardment of the entire site. It would have a similar effect
…person at her discretion; a decision which is excessively far-reaching, because, in fact, closing the mine today would result in the closure of the power plant and, in principle, there would be nothing left…
WYWIAD "SIECI. Rafał Woś: Żmijowisko. "Liberalne środowiska chcą wierzyć, że u nich panuje pełen pluralizm"
To jest ten świat, który się nazywa czasem alt-leftem albo prawdziwą lewicą.
Aggression of 17 September 1939 ‒ the historical lie of the current policy of the Kremlin
…the aftermath of World War I and the Polish-Bolshevik war, the general poverty of the region compared to other parts of Poland, „land hunger” and unemployment were the reasons for the popularity of left-wing…