We have started preparations to adopt Abrams tanks in the Polish Armed Forces - informed the head of the Ministry of Defence Mariusz Blaszczak on Wednesday. As he added, in connection with these preparations, the first Polish tanksmen left for the USA on training courses.
Polish soldiers are already on their way to Idaho
We have started preparations to adopt Abrams tanks in the Polish Armed Forces. The first Polish soldiers are already on their way to Idaho, USA, to acquire the necessary know-how to train future crews of these machines
— informed Blaszczak on Twitter.
The purchase of Abrams for the Polish army
The purchase of 250 M1A2 Abrams tanks in the latest SEPv3 version from the US was announced in July by Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński and the head of the Ministry of Defense. The tanks are to be stationed in the east of the country and will arm the 18th Mechanised Division. The value of the contract including the logistic and training package amounted to 23 billion 300 million PLN.
General Inspector of the Land Forces in the General Command of the Armed Forces, General Maciej Jabłoński, is responsible for the procedure of purchase and introduction of the new tanks into service.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/572175-the-first-polish-tank-drivers-left-for-the-us-on-training