The address of President Duda. ‘Poles deserve to have their concerns taken seriously’
But after all, when the vote was taken here in the Sejm on the construction of the dam on the border, only PSL MPs, from among the then opposition MPs, voted in favour of its construction.
Bielan: It is a victory for Europe and Western values that we owe to the people of Moldova
…"The Moldovan people have delivered. Now the European Union must deliver".
Wojciech Szczęsny żegna się z piłką! "Jak zwykle zagrał na swoich zasadach"; "To był zaszczyt obserwować jego karierę"
BREAKING: Wojciech Szczesny retires from professional football. Wojciech Szczęsny kończy karierę. To był zaszczyt obserwować ją, kibicować, czasem coś skomentować z jego udziałem.
OUR INTERVIEW. The editor-in-chief of the Hungarian weekly attacked by Tusk responds: "I follow with concern what is happening in Poland after the elections"
Michał Karnowski, wPolityce.pl: Let’s start from the beginning, Mr Editor: Why did you decide to publish an interview with the former Polish Prime Minister, one of the leaders of the Law and Justice party…
Prof. Kamiński: Romanowski jest nie tylko członkiem polskiego parlamentu, ale i członkiem ZPRE. W tej drugiej roli także przysługuje mu immunitet
…prawidłowy przebieg śledztwa za pomocą innych środków zapobiegawczych (np. zwolnienie za kaucją/poręczeniem majątkowym)/detention of an Assembly member requires very serious grounds as it prevents him or her from…
Brudziński: "We won't be fooled today. You were a very poor president; perhaps the worst"
You have been deceiving Poles for a long time about the funds from the National Recovery Plan.
RELACJA. 1044. dzień wojny. Zełenski: Wstrzymanie tranzytu rosyjskiego gazu przez Ukrainę to jedna z największych porażek Rosji
Zelenski: Ukraina będzie wspierać wszelkie wysiłki na rzecz stabilizacji Syrii Ukraina uruchomi program „Grain from Ukraine” (ang.
Tadeusz Deszkiewicz: Czas na społeczne nieposłuszeństwo! To mój apel do wszystkich, ale przede wszystkim do przedstawicieli świata kultury
Winston Churchil kiedyś przestrzegł: „Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers from which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry”.
What is a little Pole not supposed to know? "Changes to the school curriculum airbrush important topics from our past"
Indeed, the proposed changes are not just slimming down the teaching syllabus, but deliberately, through their creators, eliminating important threads from our past.
I was at the funeral of the Polish soldier Sgt Mateusz Sitek. Sadness, pride and anxiety on the thought of the years to come
Men and women stood in front of the entrance, many of whom had first heard of the young soldier from the village of Plevitsa, on 28 May, the day he was attacked in the morning on the section of the border…
Law and Justice president: Tusk was 'ratted out' by the French prime minister. He said that Eastern European countries were forced to accept the migration pact
…which, when finally implemented, by adopting new European treaties or bypassing the existing ones, will mean that Poland no longer constitutes a state, but merely an area where Poles live, governed from…
Lust for revenge, hatred and pathological elimination of political opponents. Trump's assassination was preceded by the same kind of hate speech we have in Poland
The elimination of Donald Trump from the political scene is of interest to numerous forces, not only American but also internationally.
Soldiers detained for firing warning shots at the border. Morawiecki: ‘Stop this madness, you are like pyromaniacs’
By a decision of the prosecutor, they are also suspended from duty.
Beautiful initiatives! Marches for Life in Poznan and Plock. "Let's be together!"; "Let's care for life"
Then, from Adam Mickiewicz Square, a march will start at Poznań Cathedral, where a family festival will begin at 3.30 pm. The event will culminate with a concert by Noah’s Ark.
ECR: EU must do more to force Russia to return abducted Ukrainian children
She called for tougher sanctions and an immediate halt to food imports from Russia to hit the Putin regime. „The abduction of children is a systematic act carried out on a large scale.
Morawiecki to Americans: Poland and Poles have always stood, stand and will stand by our ally
Mateusz Morawiecki also posted a short video with words of support.
Maciej Świrski on 'GW' publications: In Slovakia the takeover of the media is 'orbanisation', while in Poland the same is 'restoring democracy'
I wonder how they translate it for themselves in this Wyborcza?…
Modern civil defence needed. "One of the first targets of an enemy attack will be the communications network"
This means that it should be taken as a certainty that in times of war, and its growing risks, the Russians will try to disrupt our communication systems, both military and civilian.
Polish borders are cracking. There is no sign of the Tusk government taking any serious action
All of this may be cause for legitimate concern, as the case of German police leaving migrants in a car park in Osinowo Dolne does not seem to be an isolated incident…
Podróż i podróżowanie motywem przewodnim zadań na maturze z angielskiego. Wśród zadań blog o samotnej wycieczce
Wśród nich był fragment felietonu Billa Brysona ze zbioru „Notes from a Big Country” (opublikowanego w Polsce pod tytułem „Zapiski z wielkiego kraju”), w którym autor, Amerykanin, po dwudziestu latach…