Political choices under the German thumb. "Their goal is to save Russia, not to defeat it".
For this reason, supporting German policy, which is already pursuing a course of destroying Polish policy and blocking Polish development opportunities behind the screen of the European Union (blocking…
No recession in Poland this year says Central Bank governor. "We also have our own currency"
Galpinski said „the KPO’s effect would of course be positive” but he played down its significance. „ Every eurocent that flows into Poland we welcome gladly, but it will have limited effect,” he said,…
What unites the opposition is merely 'anti-PiS'. There is no common programme and demagoguery alone is not enough
The stakes are high, of course, because it is the governing of the country in the situation of the greatest challenge of the last decades.
RELACJA. 331. dzień wojny na Ukrainie. Ponad 100 rosyjskich ataków rakietowych, lotniczych i artyleryjskich minionej doby
Ten scenariusz, który ISW nazywa nowym „najgroźniejszym scenariuszem” (most dangerous course of action, MDCOA), odbywałby się już w nowych warunkach – po zakończeniu w Rosji cyklu wiosennej kampanii poborowej…
Prime Minister Morawiecki for wPolityce.pl: There is no Tusk effect, it's pure nonsense, spin, and PR. "He himself is like a grumbling Smurf Grouchy".
Of course. There’s a smurf called Grouchy, who only scrutinises others, criticises, lectures and grumbles. A whiny malcontent. Just like Donald Tusk. How dangerous is the opposition?…
It is time to say it again: Poland's stance on refugees is heroic. The Poles have passed a great test of humanitarianism. And they continue to ace it
Of course, it would be quite silly to claim that there have been no changes and that the enthusiasm of Poles is as strong as at the beginning of the war.
OUR INTERVIEW. Prof. Krysiak: Germany applies aggression through Von der Leyen that aims to destroy the economies of the EU countries
If so, why is the EC pursuing such a course? This is not being done by the European Commission, but by Ursula Von der Leyen, who was appointed by the Germans.
WYWIAD. Nikola Bukowiecka: Polka w NASA. "Eksploracja Kosmosu ruszyła pełną parą i mamy w tym swój udział"
ESA Academy Space Debris Training Course, Seeds for the Future od Huawei, program Nowe Technologie dla Dziewczyn od firmy Intel oraz Perspektywy, finał Studenckiego Nobla w kategorii Fizyka i Astronomia…
Are the Germans really beginning to think like the Poles? Unfortunately not, and they will not for a long time to come
On top of this, the Polish government is not only continuing on its sovereignty course, but is also requesting war reparations from its western neighbour.
Prime Minister Morawiecki is questioned on whether V4 group cooperation would be back, and what about Poland's friendship with Hungary
However, I believe that in the course of time, we will again be very much united on all the other issues in which we have shown solidarity, understanding and support. I would very much wish that.
War losses suffered by Poland as a result of Nazi Germany's aggression amount to one and a half trillion dollars
However, the history does take its course, it has its twists and turns and one has to take this into account. This is a special moment in Polish history.
EXCLUSIVELY. Maciejewski reporting from Donbass: "The explosions in Crimea have made a change on the frontline - you can feel a whiff of victory".
Of course, the Putin troops continue to have the upper hand, but the explosion in Crimea has also exposed the weakness of Russian society — Jakub Maciejewski said.
Jarosław Kaczyński in "Sieci" on relations with the EC: "We have shown our utmost goodwill but the concessions haven't brought any results. It is high time we drew conclusions".
Of course, we won’t convince everyone, some want to continue in their stupidity and illusions, others are cynically hoping for fortunes to be made from some kind of enslavement of Poland.
I Love Poland first at the finish line with a monohull race record
The I Love Poland crew won the Open classification and set a new course record.
The inflation rate in May amounted to 13.9 per cent. Central Statistical Office publishes the data! But what is the economists' forecast?
However, this does not change the fact that in the course of the year we have to pay on average 13.5 per cent more in shops. — he added.
Anyone who was pro-German - and Tusk certainly is no exception - was also pro-Putin. Berlin is the Kremlin's most important sidekick in Europe
Such a course means death for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
The words 'denazification', 'population distribution' conceal brutal practices dating back to Stalinist times
Of course, what happened in tsarist times is incomparable to the genocidal and industrially organised nature of the Soviet GULAG. But the method remains the same.
OUR INTERVIEW. Gen. Skrzypczak: Russians are in deep shit, Ukraine has the upper hand and they should dictate their conditions. Putin will beg for peace
I have a friend of mine who is in a bunker in Kiev, and I receive information from him - of course, he does not tell me everything, because he is not allowed to, but I can gather from many of his words…
Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński for "Sieci": Opposition's accusations of using Pegasus for political purposes are utter nonsense
I am not bound by any secret here, and I can assure you that we did not have any such information during the course of our campaign, and we did not use anything of the kind.
Jakub Kumoch for "Sieci": Russia's Kremlin was all too quick to believe its own propaganda
In the interview, he also explains the course of the Polish president’s talks in Beijing. China is a highly rational player.