President of the Constitutional Court accuses those in power of a coup! He files a notice to the prosecutor's office against Tusk, among others
Of course, this is not a coup d’état involving taking the army to the streets, (…) it is a creeping, systemic coup d’état.
It is now Tom Rose. "He is a friendly and intelligent interlocutor. You can sense his journalistic and business experience"
Which, of course, does not remove their importance. I think that he will be an active ambassador, sympathetic to Polish independence, far removed from the ideological bent of his predecessor.
Prezydent i guma. "Halo? Bo ja ten numer mam od Radka Sikorskiego". "Organizowało się w Polsce dni Rosji". "Halo?"
To żart, oczywiście, of course, takie niemieckie poczucie humoru, bo ja się wychowałem w rodzinie wielokulturowej, ale zostawmy to, bo jeszcze niepotrzebnie zejdziemy na migrację.
Najpierw zniszczył media publiczne, a teraz chce cenzurować social media. Sienkiewicz zabiera głos w rocznicę zamachu na TVP i opuszcza X
To medium jest zbyt podobne do tego z czym walczyłem rok temu ramię w ramię z moimi „Brothers in Arms” (and Sisters, of course!). Gdy znów będzie trzeba bronić demokracji, odnajdziemy się.
After the PKW's decision, is there still a chance for fair elections? The time has finally come to recognise that someone is attempting to steal Poland
However, the question is, of course, what influence this is trying to exert on the upcoming presidential elections, and this is a completely different matter that requires a separate analysis,’ — said…
Disclosure of medical confidentiality. Zbigniew Ziobro is now taking steps: I am filing a criminal complaint. This is punishable by 10 years!
…examinations and information about the very serious surgery I underwent, is, in addition to a criminal offence, also a deliberate manipulation of public opinion, about the state of my health and the course…
Washington in Warsaw?
This course simply means taking on an even shorter leash the weaker countries, those effectively being colonised or those already colonised, including, unfortunately, the current Poland.
EXCLUSIVELY. Czarnek: There has never been such a legal mess in Poland as it is today, not even during the communist era
Of course, there was no coincidence in co-opting a new committee member — he asserted. It was an unbelievable show and I was in the middle of it.
On the alleged insanity of Donald Trump. ‘Those who claim this are incapable of interpreting what is happening today’.
Of course, Donald Trump’s eccentricity facilitates this kind of social tactics, but are we really dealing with a policy-madness that could lead, as the European liberal media are alarming, to the disintegration…
Are we going to hear the call that Cardinal Müller addresses to us? ‘The Poles have nothing to be ashamed of’
Of course, Donald Tusk is doing his utmost to make this happen. This is exactly why, as the process continues, it is good to hear spiritual authorities reminding us of that fact.
Soldiers detained for firing warning shots at the border. Morawiecki: ‘Stop this madness, you are like pyromaniacs’
The course of the incident was confirmed by the press office of the Ministry of Defence.
Co za kompleksy! Dziennikarki neo-TVP oczekiwały wypowiedzi po angielsku podczas debaty. Internauci kpią: "Ale fajnie, światowo"
Zupełnie przypadkiem był to Borys Budka, który wyrwał się do odpowiedzi: Yes, of course! — ogłosił polityk KO. Sytuacja nie spodobała się Stanisławowi Żółtkowi.
The debate on introducing the euro in Poland will not be fair. The arguments against the common currency are crushing
…crisis of 2008 and concludes that: ‘ in the face of severe economic challenges (negative demand shocks), it may be ineffective to combat them with monetary policy (interest rate cuts) and therefore the course…
UWAGA! SYGNALISTA NADAJE! Nieoficjalny przegląd tygodnia w polskiej polityce od lewicy do prawicy
Zupełnie przypadkiem był to Borys Budka, który wyrwał się do odpowiedzi: „Yes, of course!”. Sytuacja nie spodobała się Stanisławowi Żółtkowi.
EXCLUSIVELY: Attack on the president of the NBP. Jacek Sasin: I am absolutely convinced that Tusk has promised in Berlin Poland's entry into the euro
Of course, if such a motion is nevertheless passed, the Law and Justice Party will not accept it.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski: My brother's line of action was to try to rebuild Polish patriotism, i.e. the strength of the Polish nation
On the one hand, German crimes, taking the same course of action especially in the first period of occupation, and on the other (…) Russian crimes — he said. Poland was destined to be gone.
Pierwszy polski żołnierz ukończył prestiżowy Javelin Platoon Commanders Course w Wielkiej Brytanii! "Kurs był niezwykle wymagający"
Pierwszy polski żołnierz ukończył prestiżowy Javelin Platoon Commanders Course, trzymiesięczne szkolenie realizowane w Wielkiej Brytanii.
OUR NEWS. Jacek Saryusz-Wolski to compete for the post of head of the European Commission! The Law and Justice party strives to make him a candidate of the ECR faction
The final candidate is selected in the course of discussions and informal debates, from among those put forward by the main political groups. Tłum. K.J.
Jedyny taki żołnierz w Polsce. Ukończył elitarny kurs
Trzymiesięczne szkolenie w Javelin Platoon Commanders Course, skierowane jest do kilkunastu wyselekcjonowanych uczestników…
What is the implication of Bodnar's visit to Brussels? Tarczynski: European alibi will not be of any help. They are spreading chaos, Poles will suffer financial losses
They can, of course, invert the meanings, describe reality in an upside-down way, but that doesn’t change the state of the Poles’ wallets.