As the portal has established, there is a decision in the Law and Justice party to put up a candidate of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) faction for the post of head of the European Commission after the June elections to the European Parliament.
Today, the position is held by Ursula van der Leyen, a German lady elected thanks to, among others, the votes of the Law and Justice Party, who, unfortunately, completely broke all the arrangements after her election.
Given the Law and Justice party’s predominance in this faction and its good relations with other delegations in the ECR, the chances of gaining the approval of the entire group are very high.
The candidate in question is expected to be an MEP, an excellent expert on EU issues and a critic of the centralizing and anti-democratic tendencies currently prevailing there, Jacek Saryusz-Wolski.
We would like to remind you of one of the important interviews with this politician posted on our pages: „SIECI” INTERVIEW. Jacek Saryusz-Wolski: I can tell you how we can win this war for sovereignty and the rule of law.
This is part of the plan we were the first to report about yesterday, informing you that PiS is making things more dynamic in Europe. Staff changes, a new strategy. In the background, new moves in the EU and Trump.
We should note that five years ago Law and Justice did not decide on such a motion - although Prof. Zdzislaw Krasnodębski and MP Ryszard Czarnecki were listed among serious candidates. This time the decision is clear - it is necessary to look for new allies, to build alliances around defending the Brussels bureaucracy’s adherence to the Treaties, to defend common sense and the economy being murdered by successive „ambitious” reductions in CO2 emissions, killing European competitiveness.
The procedure for selecting the head of the EC itself is not strictly formal. The final candidate is selected in the course of discussions and informal debates, from among those put forward by the main political groups.
Tłum. K.J.
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