ARTICLE by Karol Nawrocki, Ph.D: The constitution of Polish freedom
In 1788 the process of change accelerated after the convocation of a new Sejm, later called the Four-Year Sejm or the Great Sejm.
10 objectives that Vladimir Putin has achieved in 50 days of war. This list is indeed "impressive"
Fifth: he has united the entire collective West against himself, leading many countries to change their policies, e.g.
PMM: In this environment the West has acted like a frog in water brought gently to the boil
Reallocating unused funds does not change anything. What is needed is a serious systemic solution. And the only way to achieve that is if the EU lives up to its values.
Gwiazdy dla Ukrainy. Gwiazdami, które od słów wsparcia przeszły do czynów, byli m.in Ryan Reynolds i Blake Lively"
Zdecydowany sprzeciw wobec działań w Ukrainie już pierwszego dnia inwazji wyraził na swoim profilu zespół Scorpions, znany na świecie z takich hitów propagujących pokój i miłość, jak „Wind of change” czy…
"A plea for peace in the world". The chaplain of the President of Poland has written a prayer. The faithful are praying for Ukraine in several languages
May God change hearts and minds through our prayers. Please pass this prayer on to those who pray in Russian. The prayer in Arabic Rivers of blood and tears are flowing in Ukraine.
Pożyteczni ekolodzy Kremla. Gaz ziemny jest nadal spalany, tyle że pochodzi z Rosji
Pieniądze miały trafiać m.in. do fundacji Sea Change z siedzibą w San Francisco, założonej w 2006 r. przez miliardera Nata Simonsa i jego żonę, przyjaciół Ala Gore’a i wieloletnich sponsorów demokratów…
Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński for "Sieci": Opposition's accusations of using Pegasus for political purposes are utter nonsense
Its creation and use is the result of a technological change, the development of encrypted messengers, which cannot be read by the old monitoring systems.
OUR SURVEY. PiS gains very high support despite strong attacks in the media. KO minimal loss. 5 parties in the Parliament. CHECK
In our survey, 38 percent of respondents declared their willingness to vote for the United Right - thus showing no change compared to the previous survey.
Leaders of EU conservative parties meet in Warsaw. "To work for the renaissance of the European right"
The second goal is to change the nature of the European Union — he said. He stressed that cooperation in the European Union should not be based on a hierarchy, but on a community method.
"The way EU institutions exert pressure on Poland is scandalous". An open letter from Slovak public figures in defence of Poland
We appeal to the EU institutions to change their approach , to exercise reasonable moderation without escalating the conflict and without threatening Poland with further sanctions, and to take measures…
OUR SURVEY. 51% of Poles support right-wing parties. PiS very high, Confederation rising, Agreement losing. CHECK OUT
Kukiz‘15 - 2 percent , which means no change. Similarly, the Polish People’s Party (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) was also chosen by 2 percent - no change.
EXCLUSIVELY. Can Poland give in to the EU? Jacek Saryusz-Wolski: There is nothing to give way in; we cannot go backwards
Jacek Saryusz-Wolski is not afraid that blocking the National Recovery Plan (KPO) could be a problem for Poland: Only a firm „no” will result in a change on the other side and only this will bring about…
OUR SURVEY. Record-breaking support for PiS. Jarosław Kaczyński's formation with the best result in many months
Kukiz‘15 has the support of 2 percent of respondents - no change. The support for the Polish People’ Party (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) amounts to 2 percent - an increase of 1 point.
OUR SURVEY. PO no longer on the rise, PiS winning. Hołownia still standing strong. Interestingly, PO gains with Trzaskowski as the party leader
The Confederation is supported by 9 percent of respondents - also no change compared to last week’s survey. The Left Party (Lewica) has lost 1 point, currently supported by 7 percent of respondents.
Niebezpieczna moda na transseksualizm. "Krytyczne głosy psychiatrów i rodziców przebijają się coraz mocniej do świadomości publicznej"
Młoda kobieta założyła organizację Sex Change Regret oferującą pomoc osobom chcącym wrócić do swojej dawnej płci.
1941: A war between two totalitarianisms. "80 years ago, on 22 June 1941, the German Reich initiated war on the Soviet Union"
Despite the fact that the Soviet Union became one of the Allied powers in 1941, it did not change its totalitarian face.
Czytanie książek to snobizm? Absurdalne wywody lewicowej aktywistki: "Wyklucza tych, którzy nie czytają". Internauci reagują
Kompletne zaprzeczenie idei, change my mind. Reakcja Miłoszewskiego na „mądrości” panny Staśko nie wymaga komentarza. Według postępowej lewicy czytanie książek to snobizm.
The Law and Justice party and Poland 2050 are gaining, Civic Platform going down. CHECK the results of the latest survey
Kukiz‘15 was supported by 3 percent of respondents - no change. Support for the Polish Stronnictwo Ludowe remained unchanged - 2 percent. 2 percent of respondents answered „another party” .
Ekonomiści alarmują: Nie pandemia a kryzys klimatyczny największym wyzwaniem dla gospodarki. Konsekwencje są nieuniknione
…żadne państwo nie podejmuje jak do tej pory wystarczających wysiłków w celu ich spowolnienia, czego wymowną ilustracją jest fakt, że w rankingu efektywności polityki łagodzenia zmiany klimatu (Climate Change…
These women keep saying: Enough! The thunderbolt troublemakers do not represent us. Join the #niewnaszymimieniu action!
Understanding their dislike of the ruling government, we would like to inform them that in democratic countries, a change of government takes place at the ballot box, by casting a vote, and not by means…