Jarosław Kaczyński, President of the Law and Justice party in an interview for the Polska Times, spoke, among other things, about the peace mission in Ukraine that he had proposed in Kiev.
What I have proposed in Kiev is simply to do more, under conditions that are entirely legal and provided for by international law
— said the Law and Justice president.
After all, there is no plan to enter Russia; the peace mission would be carried out within the Ukrainian territory, with the full consent from the Ukrainian authorities. Such a mission would be of great benefit in humanitarian terms, and - there is no doubt - it would positively change the strategic situation in Ukraine
— he pointed out.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/591954-jaroslaw-kaczynski-on-a-peace-mission