PM says Poland is not understood, discriminated against by EU. See the full speech
Poland is being discriminated against by Brussels due to a lack of understanding of the changes taking place following a political transformation, Mateusz Morawiecki, the prime minister, has said.
Jarosław Kaczynski for the weekly "Sieci": It is our duty to win for Poland. The differences between our camp and the opposition are fundamental
Our chances are great, and we will do our best to extend the period in which the intensive repair of the state is taking place for the benefit of Poles.
OUR SURVEY. Great support for changes to the Electoral Code aimed at facilitating the participation of residents of small towns in elections
According to our survey, the establishment of such new voting places and the facilitation of transportation to polling sites are supported by 48 percent of those surveyed. 21 percent of those taking part…
Prof. Glinski: In relations with the EU, the time is working in our favour. "As long as we have a sovereign government, the string will always be taut."
And to be effective, it requires complex measures, subtle compromises, sometimes taking seemingly illogical actions.
Defence Minister proposes incentive for soldiers to remain in service
…Taking to Twitter on Monday Mariusz Blaszczak wrote: „ We are introducing another incentive to encourage soldiers to remain in service.
Prime Minister Morawiecki for wPolityce.pl: There is no Tusk effect, it's pure nonsense, spin, and PR. "He himself is like a grumbling Smurf Grouchy".
We are taking the middle road, because this is how we can best protect the standard of living of Poles, fight the global economic crisis, and build a strong army.
What events led to the outbreak of the Greater Poland Uprising in December 1918?
The specific nature of Greater Poland’s road to independence was also about taking advantage of the invader’s methods of action and potential and therefore creating competitive structures, which will be…
In the coming years, two nuclear power plants will be built in Poland and a further third one is in the pipeline
The events of recent months, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the brutal war taking place near the Polish border have made it clear to all of us how important the security of the state is” — Deputy…
A poll 'breakthrough' in favour of the Civic Coalition? There’s nothing to prove it. Steady lead for the United Right
The United Right has stable support among the largest group of voters, so there is no question of the Civic Coalition taking the lead. The performance of the middle parties remains stable as well.
Very few admit that the Poles have become united by their commitment to help the Ukrainians. Beyond political divisions
Trzcianka Secondary School, we talked about how these times of MacDonald’s and Netflix seem to be brighter and safer, and yet, not far from us, crimes like those from the worst pages of human history are taking…
OUR INTERVIEW. Prof. Krysiak: Germany applies aggression through Von der Leyen that aims to destroy the economies of the EU countries
For what is taking place is the rolling out of heavy cannons, it is an aggression which, it must be made clear, seeks to destroy the economies of individual EU countries, but this will as well destroy…
War losses suffered by Poland as a result of Nazi Germany's aggression amount to one and a half trillion dollars
It is also a decision about taking this matter to the international forum, and in particular to Polish-German relations — indicated the President of the Law and Justice party Jarosław Kaczyński .
Are the Germans really beginning to think like the Poles? Unfortunately not, and they will not for a long time to come
It is a change worth taking a closer look at.
Exactly how strong is Poles' support for reparations? OUR SURVEY, carried out prior to the publication of the Report, brings an interesting finding
In the next round of the poll, we will verify the perception of the subject after the publication of the Report and the discussion that is taking place in Poland and around the world on this issue.
NATO soldiers with Polish National Foundation in the Vilnius region
Since 2017, the Polish National Foundation (Polska Fundacja Narodowa - PFN) has been taking care of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation officer personnel and soldiers, familiarising them with Poland’s history…
OUR SURVEY. Germany has betrayed our region. Yet has the United States acted as a loyal ally of Poland in the face of the Russian threat?
For instance, the popular conservative, pro-Trump commentator Tucker Carlson is taking a shockingly anti-Ukrainian and pro-Moscow tone. Tłum. K.J.
Jarosław Kaczyński in "Sieci" on relations with the EC: "We have shown our utmost goodwill but the concessions haven't brought any results. It is high time we drew conclusions".
There is a crisis, there is a war, these are conditions which fully justify taking extreme measures.
Mikołaj Marczyk in PFNteam100
Mikołaj Marczyk, a rally racer for the Orlen Team and also PFNteam100, a double Polish rally champion, is going higher, already taking part in the WRC2 World Championship this year.
The Battle of Warsaw was one of the most decisive events in the history of Poland, Europe and the entire world
In the meantime, the Southwestern Front commanded by Alexander Yegorov turned towards the southwest, to cross the Carpathian mountains after taking Lwów and Eastern Galicia.
Georgette Mosbacher in the weekly 'Sieci': Never believe the lies about Poland! Poles were right, and today they deserve the Nobel Prize
This discussion that is taking place in the European Union regarding Poland and the rule of law is simply unfair […].