Exactly how strong is Poles' support for reparations? OUR SURVEY, carried out prior to the publication of the Report, brings an interesting finding

The President of the Law and Justice Party Jarosław Kaczyński during the presentation of the report on losses suffered by Poland as a result of German aggression and occupation during World War II, 1 Jan. at the Royal Castle in Warsaw / autor: PAP/Radek Pietruszka
The President of the Law and Justice Party Jarosław Kaczyński during the presentation of the report on losses suffered by Poland as a result of German aggression and occupation during World War II, 1 Jan. at the Royal Castle in Warsaw / autor: PAP/Radek Pietruszka


Wspólnie brońmy Polski i prawdy! www.wesprzyj.wpolityce.pl Wspólnie brońmy Polski i prawdy! www.wesprzyj.wpolityce.pl Wspólnie brońmy Polski i prawdy! www.wesprzyj.wpolityce.pl

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