W styczniu rusza układanie Nord Stream 2 na wodach Danii. Kreml: "Jest to projekt priorytetowy i nadal pracujemy nad jego realizacją"
Rosyjski statek Fortuna zacznie 15 stycznia układanie dwóch nitek gazociągu Nord Stream 2 w wyłącznej strefie ekonomicznej Danii - podał w środę rosyjski portal gospodarczy Prime.
Celebrities, actors and famous left-liberal journalists have been vaccinated out of line. The public is shocked
Actors Krystyna Janda, Wiktor Zborowski, Andrzej Seweryn, Michał Bajor, Radosław Pazura and Krzysztof Materna, TVN programme director Edward Miszczak with his girlfriend, singer Magda Umer, former Prime…
Mamy naiwne, głupie tłumaczenia zaszczepionych poza kolejką, a w tle opowiadania Tadeusza Borowskiego
Podobne doświadczenia przekazał nam Primo Levi („Czy to jest człowiek”, „Pogrążeni i ocaleni”). A jeszcze dochodzi doświadczenie z systemu sowieckiego.
Declaration by the Prime Ministers of Poland and Hungary: We will not approve a proposal that would be considered unacceptable by another country
In a joint statement, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban reaffirmed their position on the European Union budget for the next seven years.
PM Viktor Orbán: In this region we know what it’s like when decisions aren’t made in our own capitals
Interesting references to Poland and current situation in European Union are included in an interview given by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Welt am Sonntag. Here are the excerpts.
PM: Key negotiations are behind us. At stake was PLN 770 billion, thanks to which we will be able to develop faster
…also discussed, among other things, issues related to the COVID-19 epidemic and agreed on a new EU target with regard to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 — underlines the Chancellery of the Prime…
Prime Minister in the Sejm: We want Poland to be a strong country in a strong Europe, but we will not agree to be blackmailed
The EU must be built on a foundation of law As Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki pointed out, the adoption of a regulation on conditionality, which could be freely interpreted, would risk the collapse…
Poland has threatened the EU with a budget veto. Prime Minister: I have sent a letter to the leaders. We cannot accept this kind of mechanism
In recent days, I have sent a letter to EU leaders outlining our perspective on the question of conditionality mechanisms related to the EU budget — informed Prime Minister Morawiecki.
Parliamentary resolution supporting actions of the government in the European Union
MEPs decided to reject at first reading all three draft resolutions tabled by the opposition: Civic Coalition, Left and PSL-Kukiz15 requesting Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to conclude an agreement…
Prime Minister at the Sejm: solidarity is the most important vaccine against the coronavirus
During his speech at the Sejm, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki provided information on the degree of preparedness of the country in view of the increasing number of coronavirus infections.
M. Karnowski: The Prime Minister convinced the Poles, because he answered the fundamental question: “what has been done to get ready for the second wave?”
It is evident that the Prime Minister must balance the restrictions on the health front with the need to defend our economic interests.
Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński in quarantine. „He is feeling well”
The Deputy Prime Minister withdrew his attendance. According to Radosław Fogiel , Deputy Prime Minister Kaczyński was placed in a self-quarantine after contacting the infected person.
A monument to Pál Teleki erected in Cracow
The former capital city received a new memorial devoted to a faithful friend of Poland, Count Pál Teleki, who as the Prime Minister of the Hungarian Government twice stood on our side when it mattered…
The government responding to the rising incidence of infections!.E-learning in grades 1-3, shopping malls and cultural institutions closed
We are facing an extremely demanding time; the pandemic is escalating, so our reaction must be firm — said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki .
The hospital at the National Stadium is now open. Dr. Zaczyński: We are paving the way. We show how to build temporary hospitals quickly and efficiently
…target of 1.2 thousand beds, including a hundred of ICU beds; in the first stage we are launching 300, in a week’s time we will have 500 beds — said Michał Dworczyk , Head of the Chancellery of the Prime…
The Prime Minister informed the members of the local government about the main assumptions of the Government strategy for combating the pandemic
…combating the coronavirus pandemic and discussion of issues related to operation of schools, hospitals and residential care homes – these were the main topics covered during the videoconference held by Prime…
Charges against the well-known lawyer Roman Giertych and businessman Ryszard K. Allegations of appropriation and removal from the developer company amounting to PLN 92 million
Roman G. was formerly Deputy Prime Minister, in recent years he was considered a close friend of Donald Tusk, and also represented many PO politicians in legal cases. Tłum. K.J.
RELACJA. Obchody Narodowego Święta Niepodległości. Prezydent Duda złożył wieniec od narodu przed Grobem Nieznanego Żołnierza
…rozejść, gdyż albo Kościół musiałby porzucić swoją misję i zdradzić Chrystusa, albo Polska musiałaby wyrzec się swojej tożsamości Życzenia od premiera Litwy i litewskiego MSZ Happy #IndependenceDay to Prime…
The first pictures from the construction of the hospital at the National Stadium! The pace of the works is impressive
In fact, as we can see, from the hospital’s installation site: The Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister Michał Dworczyk informed that the first provisional hospital for COVID-19 patients, which…
The yellow zone across the entire country. Wearing masks becomes compulsory. 38 counties in the red zone. The Prime Minister appeals: Let's follow the rules
From October 10, the yellow zone will be extended to the whole country - said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. This means the obligation to cover the mouth and nose in public space.