We have just exceeded 100 000 vaccinated people in Poland; we would like to thank all the junction hospitals and all the people involved in the National Vaccination Programme
— said the Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the government’s vaccination plenipotentiary, Michał Dworczyk, on Tuesday.
Today the Ministry of Health informed that 140 000 people have been vaccinated.
The next group of people eligible for vaccination will be starting on 25 January - informed the same minister on Tuesday in the Parliament. At this stage, among others, residents of social welfare homes, persons over 60 years old, uniformed services and teachers will be entitled to vaccination.
The vaccination process - according to the programme - is carried out in stages. Currently, stage 0 is being implemented, during which vaccinations are given to, among others, employees of the health care sector (including doctors, nurses and pharmacists), employees of nursing homes for the elderly and auxiliary and administrative staff in medical facilities, including sanitary and epidemiological stations.
As part of Stage 1, vaccination will be available to residents of nursing homes and care and treatment facilities, people over 60 years of age (in order of age) and uniformed services, as well as teachers and nursery staff.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/533804-as-many-as-140-000-people-vaccinated-in-poland