Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński has strongly criticised the EU negotiations on the purchase of vaccines against coronavirus. In the opinion of the Law and Justice president, the mistakes that were made are „a crying shame”.
Negotiations conducted by children
The President of the Law and Justice party referred to the issue of the purchase of vaccines during a virtual meeting of Gazeta Polska Clubs. He emphasised that the European Union failed during the purchase of vaccines.
It’s as if there were negotiators on one side and children on the other
— said Jarosław Kaczyński, Deputy Prime Minister.
The politician pointed out that today Poland is paying for the mistakes made by the EU officials, as otherwise it would have been possible to vaccinate more people so far and save their lives and bring the end of the pandemic much closer.
Russian vaccine?
The Law and Justice president also referred to the Russian vaccine Sputnik V. This product has been purchased by some European countries, including Hungary.
It is still being promoted, but there is currently no real possibility of it being imposed on us. The issue does not only concern Poland, but Europe as well
— stated Jarosław Kaczyński.
Tłum. K.J.
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