Bielan: Ukraine's wounds will scar generations
Bielan also highlighted Poland’s key role in supporting Ukraine: „ Under former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s leadership, Poland was one of the first to send tanks, fighter jets, and ammunition.
Will Żukowska save the beavers from Tusk's fury? ‘There are no beavers in this area at all, they don't live there’
…Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s anti-beaver crusade has been recognised not only in Poland, but even abroad.
In Russia, the government is preparing to shut down YouTube. In Poland, those in power are considering shutting down the X portal
Opposition politicians are singled out by those in power as targets for police and investigators, verdicts are made in the prime minister’s head, the production line of power disguised as justice carries…
A meeting of European leaders in Budapest. And where was Tusk lined up for the symbolic photo? This tells a lot about his position!
Poland is represented in Budapest by Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Commemorative photos of the leaders have appeared online.
Law and Justice president: Tusk was 'ratted out' by the French prime minister. He said that Eastern European countries were forced to accept the migration pact
Not so long ago, Donald Tusk was ‘ratted out’ by the French Prime Minister. (…) He bluntly said: „we forced Eastern European countries to accept the migration pact.”…
President of the Constitutional Court accuses those in power of a coup! He files a notice to the prosecutor's office against Tusk, among others
At the same time, due to the seriousness of the notification of the suspects, including, first and foremost, Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar, I requested that the legal Deputy…
Romanowski's open letter to Bodnar! “I pledge to return to the country within 6 hours if the government withdraws its illegal actions”.
…Prime Minister Tusk, followed by other politicians of the ruling camp, have publicly announced committing acts that, and I quote, “do not comply with the letter of the law.”…
wPolsce24 reveals: Kołodziejczak holds up a banner with a disgraceful inscription about refugees as ‘human trash’
Can Prime Minister Donald Tusk stay quiet in the face of scandalous facts? Or should Michal Kołodziejczak himself somehow find the remnants of responsibility and resign? Who is Kołodziejczak?…
Alert of the MB of the Association of Polish Journalists (SDP) on the increasing attacks and threatened independence of the Association
The coalition that has been ruling Poland for more than a year, led by Prime Minister Donald Tusk, does not tolerate such independence, trampling not only on basic freedoms like freedom of speech and public…
It is now Tom Rose. "He is a friendly and intelligent interlocutor. You can sense his journalistic and business experience"
He was impressed by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s speech, who spoke passionately about the need to restore the competitiveness of the European economy.
The Supreme Court has decided. Dariusz Barski as a National Prosecutor. The restoration from retirement and the appointment legally effective
In agreement with Bodnar, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, acting without obtaining the presidential approval required by law, named Prosecutor Jacek Bilewicz as the next PG.
UWAGA! SYGNALISTA NADAJE! Nieoficjalny przegląd tygodnia w polskiej polityce od lewicy do prawicy
Jedyny żal, że na swoje nagrody czekają tak wybitne pióra, jak Kseroliza Michalik, Janek Piński i jego kamanda, Tomasz Wiejski, Tomasz Piątek i oczywiście Magdalena Chodownik (primo voto Rubcow-Gonzalez…
O roli sztucznej inteligencji w nauce i przemyśle, czyli kongres AI&EDU Szkoły Głównej Mikołaja Kopernika czas zacząć
Już jutro w budynku centrum biznesowego Ufficio Primo przy ulicy Wspólnej 62 w Warszawie rozpoczyna się dwudniowy kongres naukowy AI&EDU organizowany przez Szkołę Główną Mikołaja Kopernika.
Sikorski i rosyjscy pranksterzy. Morawiecki komentuje: Tym różnimy się od ówczesnej totalnej opozycji. "Głowa do góry!"
Każdy może być wkręcony - nie tylko w prima aprilis — napisał Morawiecki, przypominając wcześniejsze wpisy Sikorskiego po tym, jak ofiarą tego samego duetu rosyjskich pranksterów padł prezydent Andrzej…
Angela who? Frau Merkel's fatal legacy. How the attitude to the political legacy of the former German Chancellor is changing
From today’s perspective, however, it seems that only the British Prime Minister’s legacy has stood the test of time.
Era Trumpa. "Wszyscy chcą być moimi przyjaciółmi" - Jego rządy obnażą beznadziejność UE: ideologizm, aborcję, klimatyzm
…Primo – bo jego sukces wyborczy z 2016 r. był nieoczekiwany i w gruncie rzeczy przypadkowy, a sam Trump ani nie miał jeszcze jasności celów, ani nie był w stanie wprowadzać ich w życie z powodu wściekłego…
Mateusz Morawiecki challenges Donald Tusk: I expect very strong provisions to prohibit forcing Poland to do forced relocation
Former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has challenged Prime Minister Donald Tusk to negotiate provisions prohibiting the forced relocation of migrants in the conclusions of the EU summit taking place…
Tusk's acrobatics after a journalist's question about his words on Trump and his ‘’acting as an agent‘’
…Prime Minister Donald Tusk is a man of many talents, and during today’s press conference he not only acted as a psychologist, but also served up a real acrobatic performance to journalists and the audience…
On the alleged insanity of Donald Trump. ‘Those who claim this are incapable of interpreting what is happening today’.
After the new British Prime Minister Starmer signed a military agreement with Germany in October this year and took an unambiguously ‘pro-European’ course from Washington’s point of view, it is potentially…
Patocelebryta i inni stypendyści minister kultury. "60 tys. zł od rządu za musical o aborcji". Degradacja polskiej kultury
Faktycznie Kapela stał się szerzej znany po tym, gdy zaczął występować w patowalkach organizowanych przez Prime Show MMA, jedną z najważniejszych federacji freak fight w kraju.