President of the Constitutional Court accuses those in power of a coup! He files a notice to the prosecutor's office against Tusk, among others
I recognized that there is a legal obligation that I must fulfill.
EXCLUSIVELY. Czarnek: There has never been such a legal mess in Poland as it is today, not even during the communist era
The legal chaos is going to get worse. Such a legal mess as we have in Poland today has never been seen in this country, not even during the Communist era.
Aktywiści klimatyczni zaskarżyli plan UE ws. ograniczenia emisji na koniec dekady. Uważają, że jest za mało ambitny
Do Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej skargę na działania Brukseli wniosły dwie organizacje Climate Action Network i Global Legal Action Network, uznając, że – jak podał Reuters – „krajowe limity…
Tej legendarnej kawy już się nie napijesz. Firma po 170 latach na rynku ogłosiła bankructwo. Ponad 100 osób straci pracę
Koniec francuskiej marki Cafés Legal jest bliski. Sąd gospodarczy w Paryżu podjął decyzję o postawieniu firmy w stan likwidacji, co zakończy jej 173-letnią działalność na rynku.
Romanowski's open letter to Bodnar! “I pledge to return to the country within 6 hours if the government withdraws its illegal actions”.
It is not the assurances of a minister or other government representative that are supposed to provide a guarantee of a fair trial, but the executive and judicial branches’ adherence to legal principles…
The Supreme Court has decided. Dariusz Barski as a National Prosecutor. The restoration from retirement and the appointment legally effective
The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court has ruled that the reinstatement from retirement and appointment of Dariusz Barski as National Prosecutor in 2022 had a binding legal and constitutional basis…
EXCLUSIVELY. Pawel Jablonski will file a notice of arrest following an entry! ‘He was simply reporting that the situation was serious’
…’We will strive as MPs to provide legal assistance to this gentleman and others who are subject to such repression‘’ - Pawel Jablonski said on wPolsce24 TV.
OUR INTERVIEW. How will Trump's possible return affect global security? Wąsik: Republicans have always stood firm against regimes
This is the way to fight illegal migration, not by legal aid and by inviting these people to facilities and afterwards ‘we will see what happens’. Tłum. K.J.
THE LETTER OF SEVEN. Outstanding artists in defence of Priest Michael Olszewski. ‘We request his immediate release from detention’
The signatories turn ‘to their fellow citizens to protest in solidarity against this legal scandal, which offends not only the valid codes but also the norms of social life, and the victims of which are…
Mateusz Morawiecki challenges Donald Tusk: I expect very strong provisions to prohibit forcing Poland to do forced relocation
The legal situation today is similar to that in 2017 and 2018, and at that time we put a hard veto on forced relocation. — he said, adding: The current ruling coalition in Poland has strayed from such…
The address of President Duda. ‘Poles deserve to have their concerns taken seriously’
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it is impossible not to mention matters that are appalling to anyone who cares about legal order, democracy and the rule of law.
Brudziński: "We won't be fooled today. You were a very poor president; perhaps the worst"
…„ Despite all this, today you are now closing the procedure under Article 7, yet still no legal act in Poland has been changed.
Tusk speaking enigmatically in Berlin on reparations. "I would like to look to the future"; "I don't want to create a front of mutual resentment out of this matter"
He stressed that „in a formal, legal, international sense, the question of reparations was closed many years ago.”…
EXCLUSIVELY. Maciej Wąsik gives warning: Europe must change its ways otherwise it will vanish and blur into millions of newcomers
I am convinced that we will win in any legal dispute we face. We have a Supreme Court ruling in hand that says we are MPs and we should do our job.
OUR INTERVIEW. The editor-in-chief of the Hungarian weekly attacked by Tusk responds: "I follow with concern what is happening in Poland after the elections"
The political debate with the Polish government has not been conducted with political tools but has been transferred to the level of legal action, which is absolutely contrary to every principle we have…
EXCLUSIVELY: Attack on the president of the NBP. Jacek Sasin: I am absolutely convinced that Tusk has promised in Berlin Poland's entry into the euro
Tusk and the Berlin directives From a legal point of view, bringing the President of the NBP before the State Tribunal is unlikely as long as Tusk’s coalition is willing to comply with the current legislation…
Presja ma sens! Człowiek Hołowni odejdzie z Orlenu. Marszałek Sejmu: "Nie wiedziałem, że on znajduje się w tym miejscu"
Miał być też związany z kancelarią prawną SMM Legal, która opiniowała fuzję Orlenu z Lotosem. Do sprawy odniósł się na konferencji prasowej Szymon Hołownia. Jeżeli chodzi o pana prof. Sójkę.
Changing EU treaties. Saryusz-Wolski in Brussels: It's a constitutional coup, an attempt to abolish the sovereignty of states
The gradual violation of the legal restrictions that exist in the European constitutional system is the core of the entire structure, a feature of the inherently centralizing process of European Union…
Hołownia pod lupą Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego! Marszałek rotacyjny mógł złamać przepisy dot. prawa informacyjnego spółek publicznych
Tomasza Sójki, byłego działacza partii Hołowni, który współtworzył struktury Polski 2050, a jako prawnik związany z kancelarią prawną SMM Legal opiniował fuzję Orlenu z Lotosem.
Prof. Ancyparowicz dla Gazety Bankowej: Wadliwe prawo zagraża suwerenności polskiego banku centralnego
Traktat o Funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/PL/TXT/PDF/?…