„This is not a reform of the EU treaties, but a constitutional coup d’état, an attempt to abolish the sovereignty of nation states”
— alarmed Law and Justice MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski during a panel discussion in Brussels. The topic of the event was the planned changes to the EU treaties in the EU institutions, which threaten to violate the constitutions of sovereign states. The debate also aimed to show the impact of the changes on Europeans and democracy itself.
„Mapping the EU’s federal fantasies” - Under this slogan, a panel discussion was held in Brussels with the participation of Polish PiS MEPs and a Belgian MEP from the Flemish Interest party (Vlaams Belang). The meeting was moderated by journalist Ellen Fantini of „The European Conservative” publication.
Risks associated with changes to EU treaties
The politicians raised the issue of changes to the EU treaties, which are expected to lead, among other things, to the centralization of EU power. According to the intentions, Brussels is to take control over areas previously managed by member states. These include issues of education, health, defense, foreign policy, borders, internal policy of EU countries, veto power, and the euro currency. Member countries are thus at risk of losing their sovereignty for the sake of building a European superstate.
The debate in the EU institutions on changes to the treaties has been ongoing for a long time, and the work itself is progressing rapidly, but the Europeans are not always aware of the upcoming changes, as foreign media are often silent on the issue. However, some MEPs and conservative circles are exposing Brussels’ plans and sounding the alarm about the dangers.
The gradual violation of the legal restrictions that exist in the European constitutional system is the core of the entire structure, a feature of the inherently centralizing process of European Union integration
— Prof. Ryszard Legutko said.
„A coup d’état and abolition of sovereignty.”
This is not a reform of the EU treaties, but a constitutional coup d’état, an attempt to abolish the sovereignty of nation-states
— Saryusz-Wolski stressed.
Instead of increased centralization justified by political theatre and manipulation, we should negotiate a new EU treaty from scratch to restore subsidiarity and democracy in Europe
— Belgian politician Gerolf Annemans stated.
According to the organizers of the debate, changing the EU treaties meant „giving Brussels more power and further limiting the sovereignty of member states in the relentless march toward an increasingly federalist future.”
Late last year, the European Parliament put forward a series of reform proposals, perfectly outlining the long-term intentions of the EU mainstream, while the public is deliberately kept uninformed
— wrote the description of the panel discussion.
_Tłum. K. J.)
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/682751-this-is-not-a-reform-of-the-eu-treaties-but-coup-detat