President: We have nothing to repay anyone today. It is we who deserve to be paid a great deal of money
This is what is still left to be fulfilled. — he remarked. He added that „it is impertinent to say that we, Poles and Poland owe anything to anyone in relation to World War II”.
OUR SURVEY. PO no longer on the rise, PiS winning. Hołownia still standing strong. Interestingly, PO gains with Trzaskowski as the party leader
The Left Party (Lewica) has lost 1 point, currently supported by 7 percent of respondents.
ECR Co-Chairmen Ryszard Legutko and Raffaele Fitto meet with conservative party leaders Jarosław Kaczyński, Giorgia Meloni and Santiago Abascal Conde
…our national democracies are concerned that the Conference on the Future of Europe, organised by the European Institutions, is not framed impartially and simply used as another opportunity to promote left-wing…
W piśmie Lisa ostro o cenzurze w internecie i szaleństwie światowej Lewicy. Ale dlaczego ten niepokój ograniczony jest do jednego tematu?
Prawie, bo wdał się wirus, który - jak przyznała elokwentna Jane Fonda - „był darem dla Lewicy” („a gift for tle Left”).
Najostrzejsza do tej pory rezolucja dotycząca Rosji została przyjęta w Parlamencie Europejskim
Tylko przedstawiciele jednej grupy politycznej, czyli europejscy komuniści (The Left), bronili Rosji i jej przywódcy Władimira Putina.
The Law and Justice party and Poland 2050 are gaining, Civic Platform going down. CHECK the results of the latest survey
The Civic Coalition , currently supported by 18% of respondents, lost 2 points. 10 percent of respondents voted for the Left Part y - a drop of 3 points.
PO's swing to the left confirmed. The party supported abortion - on - demand. Budka: "This is the clear position that our voters expected from us"
According to observers, it is extremely left-wing, and apart from abortion - on - demand after consultation with a doctor - it also includes support for such ideas as state financing of the in vitro method…
„Biały, chrześcijański ciemiężca”, czyli czego amerykańskie dzieci uczą się w szkole
Fischbein założyła kilka lat temu stowarzyszenie o nazwie: „Przeciwko skrętowi w lewo w edukacji” (No left turn in education), które posiada dziś oddziały w 16 stanach.
Celebrities, actors and famous left-liberal journalists have been vaccinated out of line. The public is shocked
Radosław Pazura and Krzysztof Materna, TVN programme director Edward Miszczak with his girlfriend, singer Magda Umer, former Prime Minister Leszek Miller and several other celebrities, known for their left-liberal…
“Polish-Jewish Studies”, the latest periodical of the Institute of National Remembrance, presented at a press conference
…– has been very important for the Institute of National Remembrance since it was founded in 2000 … a great number of publications devoted to the topic have been released worldwide, and some of them left…
Upokorzył Starą Polonię zdjęciami z byłego Klubu SPK w Manchesterze
…zaistnieć na FB, Instagramie oraz w Daily Mail Online News co bez zbadania sprawy, a priori cynicznie nas Polaków podsumował. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9117959/Photographs-reveal-memorabilia-left-inside-abandoned-WWII-club-Polish-veterans-Manchester.html…
Bolesna strata w środowisku Polonii Amerykańskiej. Marian „Mario” Ponanta kochał Polskę i Amerykę
This sad news of your departure left many of your friends heartbroken and in utter disbelief”.
Parliamentary resolution supporting actions of the government in the European Union
MEPs decided to reject at first reading all three draft resolutions tabled by the opposition: Civic Coalition, Left and PSL-Kukiz15 requesting Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to conclude an agreement…
Prime Minister in the Sejm: We want Poland to be a strong country in a strong Europe, but we will not agree to be blackmailed
Around 2 million Poles have left our country and work for our partners in the EU.
Huge support of Poles for the rights of children with Down Syndrome. The Constitutional Tribunal stands up for their right to life
The survey shows that the issues of life protection gain great public support if they are presented with concrete, point-based approach, in isolation from the ideological haze that the Left is using to…
The police are concluding the protests of extreme feminists. Stones and eggs were thrown at the officers
The slogan of the attacks coming from the left is ‘this is war’.
THE LATEST SURVEY. Law and Justice (PiS) loses points, but Civic Coalition (PO) remains unchanged. The Left and the Confederation gaining. Check the results!
The Left and the Confederacy are gaining. The Parliament would include five groups - all of them currently represented in parliament.
M. Karnowski: The Prime Minister convinced the Poles, because he answered the fundamental question: “what has been done to get ready for the second wave?”
The left wing is torn between rationality and the outcries of its leaders.
The United Right gains, and is currently on the verge of a majority in the Parliament. The Civic Coalition losing. Check!
…which marks an increase of two points compared with the study a week ago. 25% of respondents want to vote for the Civic Coalition, which is a decrease of 2 points. 11% of respondents supported the Left…
Beata Szydło: "LGBT free zones"? This is fake news!
However, left-wing MEPs are attacking our country by talking about the alleged persecution of homosexuals. There is a lot of fake news about so-called LGBT-free zones. Szydło: Stop that nonsense!…