According to a survey conducted by the Social Changes studio commissioned by, support for the United Right is declining; however, Jarosław Kaczyński’s party still remains strong. The Left and the Confederacy are gaining. The Parliament would include five groups - all of them currently represented in parliament.
Our survey showed that 38% of those questioned declared a vote for Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) - 4 percentage points less than in the previous study.
The Citizens’ Coalition (Koalicja Obywatelska) was chosen by 24% of respondents - one point less than a week ago.
14% of respondents want to vote for the Left (Lewica), which means an increase of 3 points.
The Confederacy (Konfederacja), which is now supported by 11% of respondents, has gained 2 points.
The Polish People’s Party (Poskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) lost 1 point, and now could count on 6% of votes.
7% of respondents answered „other grouping” - an increase of 1 point.
The declared turnout is 64%. - No major changes.
The study was conducted using the CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) method on a web panel. The survey was conducted on a nationwide, representative (in terms of: gender, age, size of place of residence) sample of Poles N=1076 people between 2-5 October 2020.
Tłum. K.J.
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