Actors Krystyna Janda, Wiktor Zborowski, Andrzej Seweryn, Michał Bajor, Radosław Pazura and Krzysztof Materna, TVN programme director Edward Miszczak with his girlfriend, singer Magda Umer, former Prime Minister Leszek Miller and several other celebrities, known for their left-liberal views, were vaccinated on COVID-19 out of turn.
How is this possible when the vaccination of group O - namely frontline workers - is still in progress? They were given this opportunity in the hospital of the Warsaw Medical University. Apparently, as part of an action aimed at promoting vaccination. The problem is that nobody has heard of it.
The public is shocked. „Cunning”; „Aren’t they supposed to be elites?” - … these are the comments that prevail.
The Prime Minister expressed his opinion too:
I ask for a decent behaviour of all citizens who are not in the zero group to behave in a fair way when someone dishonestly offers them access to a vaccine
— appealed Mateusz Morawiecki.
We must show solidarity
— he stressed.
Tłum. K.J.
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