According to a survey conducted by the Social Changes studio commissioned by the portal, a vast majority of Poles believe that children with Down Syndrome should be given legal protection by the state.
As much as 80 percent of the respondents were in favour of such approach in our survey. More than half of the respondents - 57% - chose „definitely yes” and 23% - „rather yes”.
Only 6 percent of respondents were of the opposite opinion; 3 percent chose „definitely not”, and another 3 percent „rather not”.
14% of those surveyed chose the answer „difficult to say”.
92% of the Law and Justice (PiS) voters and 82% of the Civic Coalition voters agree with the state’s claim that children with Down Syndrome should be provided with legal protection.
The survey shows that the issues of life protection gain great public support if they are presented with concrete, point-based approach, in isolation from the ideological haze that the Left is using to overshadow the lives of individual children. And that is not what all these disputes are about.
The verdict of the Constitutional Tribunal on October 22 invalidated the provision of the law on the protection of life that allowed so-called eugenic abortion. It was a way that led to the killing of about a thousand children a year, mainly those with Down Syndrome.
The study was carried out using the CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) method on the Internet panel. The survey was conducted on a nationwide, representative (in terms of: gender, age, size of place of residence) sample of Poles N=1080 people from October 30th 2020 to November 2nd 2020.
Tłum. K.J.
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