As shown in the study by the Social Changes studio, commissioned by, the disputes around Five for Animals and the sometimes fervent negotiations between the coalition members did not endanger the United Right. Our study shows that Jarosław Kaczyński’s party gained support, significantly increasing its advantage over the Civic Coalition.
In our study, 42% of respondents declared their willingness to vote for the United Right, which marks an increase of two points compared with the study a week ago.
25% of respondents want to vote for the Civic Coalition, which is a decrease of 2 points.
11% of respondents supported the Left, which represents a drop of 4 points.
The support for the Confederation is 9%. - No change.
The Polish People’s Party can count on 7%. - increase by 2 points.
As many as 6% of the respondents chose the answer „other party”.
The declared turnout is 64%.
The study was carried out using the CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) method on a web panel. The survey was conducted on a nationwide, representative (in terms of: gender, age, size of place of residence) sample of Poles N=1067 people between 25 - 28 September 2020.
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