EU to bow to pressure from farmers' protests? Unofficial: Brussels will withdraw from the Green Deal. Commissioner Wojciechowski confirms
The change is also to apply to fallowing. Farmers will be able to undertake it voluntarily and are to receive a subsidy for it.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski: My brother's line of action was to try to rebuild Polish patriotism, i.e. the strength of the Polish nation
…those who may have already accepted Poland as some kind of political entity, but only in this edition of a weak, subordinated state, living with the complexes of its nation — he said. „ Lech wanted to change…
Dorota Zawadzka-Stępniak nową szefową NFOŚiGW. Zadba o więcej działań "prośrodowiskowych i proklimatycznych" w Polsce
Fundacji Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt dla najlepszych absolwentów w dziedzinie ochrony środowiska, absolwentką 29 Szkoły Liderów Politycznych oraz absolwentką Game Changers Academy Master of Business Change…
Robert Piaskowski nowym dyrektorem Narodowego Centrum Kultury. Zastąpił dr. Rafała Wiśniewskiego, który zostaje w instytucji
Modrzewskiego oraz w Wyższej Szkole Bankowej w Gdyni, a także członkiem zespołu doradczego Instytutu Strategii Kultury Miasta Lwowa i stypendystą Departamentu Stanu Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki (Social Change…
OUR NEWS. Law and Justice is making things more dynamic in Europe. Staff changes, new strategy. In the background, new movements in the EU and Trump
There is also a change in the position of Secretary General of the European Conservatives and Reformists group in the European Parliament - here Gabriel Beszła is to be replaced by Andrzej Sadoś from 2018…
OUR NEWS. Law and Justice is making things more dynamic in Europe. Staff changes, new strategy. In the background, new movements in the EU and Trump
There is also a change in the position of Secretary General of the European Conservatives and Reformists group in the European Parliament - here Gabriel Beszła is to be replaced by Andrzej Sadoś from 2018…
What is the implication of Bodnar's visit to Brussels? Tarczynski: European alibi will not be of any help. They are spreading chaos, Poles will suffer financial losses
This will not change the situation of Poles and the farmers. They can, of course, invert the meanings, describe reality in an upside-down way, but that doesn’t change the state of the Poles’ wallets.
Jarosław Kaczyński spoke in Krakow in the Sokół hall. The President of Law and Justice spoke about the problem posed by the changes to European treaties
The abolition of this foundation, which created a situation in which EU states, although surrendering many powers to the Union, still remained sovereign states This is a change of an entirely fundamental…
EXCLUSIVELY. Szydło: PO was supported not only by social media haters, but manifestations inspired by them
Trying to change statutory regulations with resolutions is an unprecedented thing — she explained.
New EU taxes, migration and treaty changes were topics of Morawiecki's talks in Brussels. "Centralization is a road to nowhere"
The change of the Country Prosecutor must take place with the written consent of the President. This is the law we have!…
Law and Justice Party submits a motion for a vote of no confidence against Sienkiewicz! An attack on public media in the background. Blaszczak: "These are the methods used in Russia"
If the coalition wanted to change the legal order on December 13, that’s what parliament is for (…), and not bringing in a security company at 3 a.m. — Blaszczak said at a press conference.
German campaign against the construction of the port in Świnoujście. Jablonski: There will be blockades by ecologists and activists because it's all about hard business
That will change, however, because after expansion, the Swinoujscie port is set to significantly increase its handling capacity, thereby taking customers away from Hamburg.
The most important conclusion of the past seven weeks: Law and Justice has stood its ground, but must be ready for the coming waves of illegality and violence
The formation of President Jaroslaw Kaczynski remains the only viable centre that can change the bad course we are on (although they are already preparing another diversion from the right flank).
President Kaczynski: Poland today has become a country where we can hardly speak of any rule of law. We are going to have political prisoners
It’s about changing the Treaties, but a change that is very far-reaching. If implemented, it will turn our country into an area inhabited by Poles, and managed from the outside.
„Konferencja w Wannsee 2.0”. Niemcy znów wykryli prawicowy spisek. Tym razem chodzi o „tajny” plan wywiezienia milionów migrantów z kraju
Sellner kilka lat temu napisał książkę o „zmianie władzy przez prawicę” („Regime Change von rechts“), która jest bestsellerem, i która ukazała się właśnie w czwartym wydaniu.
I spent the day with defenders of the Television News Agency (TAI) at Powstańców Warszawy Square. "They want to take away our freedom"
Media coup „ They,” of course, are the government of Donald Tusk, which at this point is conducting a real media coup d’état, trying to illegally change the managements of TVP, Polskie Radio and PAP.
What is the situation in Poland? Tusk's government is forcibly suppressing public media that are critical of him. They simply cut off the legitimate media from broadcasting
The current parliamentary majority does not have the power - nor the consent of the president - to change this law.
Violation of the Constitution, a blow against private property, and use of secret services. The summary of the attack on the public media
The PiS politicians present there managed to prevent the entry into the offices by demanding at the very entrance the legal grounds upon which the PAP would change its authorities.
The Law and Justice president reminded us of important facts: After 1989 they did not want to recognise our borders. They did not want us in NATO
During his speech at the KSTG „Solo” headquarters in Krakow, the head of the Law and Justice party listed the dangers that could arise from a possible change in the European treaties.
The 'abduction of Europa' by the European Parliament
The Group of European Conservatives and Reformists has strongly rejected proposals to change the EU treaties adopted today by the European Parliament in Strasbourg.