Unofficial information suggests that the European Union will bow to the wave of farmer protests in many member states. EU Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski confirmed to a Polsat News correspondent that the Green Deal will „go in the trash. The package of new proposals is expected to go into effect in the coming weeks.
The proposals prepared by the EU commissioner are expected to be known on Thursday. According to media reports, Wojciechowski will present them to the Sejm.
However, in order for the package to go into effect, it must be approved by, among others, the European Commission and the European Parliament. The changes are to apply to pesticides, among other things. According to Wojciechowski, the idea of reducing their use by 50 percent was unfair, as they are used in different amounts in EU countries.
According to the commissioner, farms of up to 10 hectares „will have virtually no problem with the Green Deal.” The change is also to apply to fallowing. Farmers will be able to undertake it voluntarily and are to receive a subsidy for it.
Wojciechowski told Polsat News that he has preliminary positive signals from the EP and European capitals that the proposals will be adopted.
This could mean that the large farmer protests in many European countries are having an impact on EU decisions.
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