Wraz z upadkiem dziennikarstwa upada mit Ameryki: walka z prawdą coraz częściej zastępuje walkę o prawdę
Założył on czasopismo „Weekly Journal”, w którym publikował satyry na despotycznego gubernatora w obronie pokrzywdzonych przez niego kupców.
The liberal authorities in Gdańsk are demanding a huge financial penalty for the weekly “Sieci”. The editorial team answers: what we have written is true
In the pretrial letter, the Gdańsk authorities demand an apology and payment of PLN 100,000 ($30000) for social purposes from the editorial office of the weekly „Sieci” in connection with the article „…
Michał Karnowski: Why does the Visegrad Group irritate so many people in the West?
Michał Karnowski is the editor and commentator of the weekly Sieci and portal wPolityce.pl…
A disastrous indictment against Stanislaw G. The Prominent PO politician was supposed to accept hundreds of thousands of zlotys of bribes
The indictment confirms information from the portal wPolityce.pl and the weekly Sieci.
Konrad Kołodziejski: Israel does not treat Poland as an equal partner. We are a country that is used
In the article on Polish-Israeli relations published in the latest issue of the weekly „Sieci”, I explained in quite detail what the problem is (anyone interested is welcome to read it).
A foolish myth has finally been abolished. It was Jarosław Kaczyński who led the Law and Justice party on the final straight and it was he who set the ideological backbone of the formation
You can read more about this mechanism in the very interesting latest issue of the weekly „Sieci”: It could have taken a different course.
Prof. Żaryn in "Sieci": We must not let ourselves be fooled by lies about our history
In the latest issue of the weekly „Sieci” we have published an important conversation with Prof.
Survivor Edward Mosberg awarded Order of Merit from Poland. "What happened to the Jews is German history. You can't blame Poland for that!"
In an interview for the weekly „Sieci”, he recalled the time of the war in such a way: I was the only one left. They often ask if it’s a miracle. It wasn’t like one was smarter than the other.
Polskie media na Wyspach w czasach Brexitu. Po roku 2016 ich użytkowy charakter pogłębił się
W 2004 roku na rynku pojawił się, najpierw jako dwutygodnik, teraz jako weekly magazine, The Polish Express, poświęcony głównie poradnictwu i sytuacji Polaka na Wyspach.
Traces of explosives were found in samples taken from the Tu-154M wreck
…— describe in the new edition of the weekly „Sieci” weekly Marek Pyza and Marcin Wikło.
Strong reaction of publicists to the scandalous words of Professor Śpiewak. "We appeal for an end to the devastation of Polish public life"
The signatories include commentators from the weekly „Sieci” and the portal wPolityce.pl. We have regretfully received press reports about the content of the interview given by Prof.
Kaczyński about tapes: "It is not even a cap; after all, there is nothing there"
In the weekly „Sieci” interview with the leader of Law and Justice, Jarosław Kaczyński, who speaks about the so-called „Kaczynski’s tapes” published by „Gazeta Wyborcza”.
Piotr Semka for wPolityce.pl: Donald Tusk's entry is a cynical provocation. His tactics deserve the utmost regret
This is, of course, a rhetorical question, because they clearly stand by one of the parties of the dispute which certainly has nothing to do with the values proclaimed by weekly from Wiślana Street — said…
The murderer of the mayor of Gdańsk is a criminal with diagnosed schizophrenia
The mayor of Gdańsk was killed by a sick criminal and not a calculating hitman inspired by political hatred,” write Marek Pyza and Marcin Wikło in the new issue of the weekly „Sieci”.
OPINION. Well, that's already clear. The Great Revenge Party will stand up against the Law and Justice (PiS) party. This aggression against democracy must be opposed
Therefore, please note, a powerful attack on public television, as well as on the weekly „Sieci” broke out immediately on the first day after the tragedy.
Świadectwo wiary, a nie słowa. Piękna postawa aktora z Hollywood
Ja jestem drugi. powiedział w wywiadzie dla Closer Weekly. Urodzony w Bostonie katolik o irlandzkich korzeniach dostał łatkę kłopotliwego aktora.
“Arctowski”, meaning 14.5 thousand km away
What life in a Polish station looks like is described in the weekly „Sieci” in an article by Przemysław Barszcz.
2019 is to be the most important year since 1989. The decisive year of the last three decades for Poland
Michał Karnowski The author is a columnist of the „Sieci” weekly and the portal wPolityce.pl. T_łum. KJ_…
TOP 10 quotations from an interview of Deputy Prime Minister Gliński for "Sieci": They tried to make me an anti-Semitic. Madness
We would like to present the TOP 10 statements of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture Piotr Gliński from an interview for the weekly „Sieci”.
In the weekly "Sieci": Entangled in Czarnecki’s cobweb. "This was an institutionalised scam”
They leave no doubt as to who is really the victim in the story about the billionaire from Wrocław — writes Marek Pyza and Marcin Wikło in the latest issue of the weekly „Sieci”.