The post-election shock seems to be so great also because opposition supporters may have actually believed in the last weeks of the campaign that time was working in their favor and the upward trend is on their side. A little, with devilish methods, they worked for it themselves, consciously creating an anti-Church wave. You can read more about this mechanism in the very interesting latest issue of the weekly „Sieci”:
It could have taken a different course. However, about two weeks before the election, at the climax of hysteria over the few (always shameful) cases of paedophilia in the Church, Jarosław Kaczyński came to the forefront of the campaign. The President of Law and Justice traveled across half of Poland, and kept appearing on TV stations more frequently than usual. He supported the proposal of the Ministry of Justice to face the subject of paedophilia without any preferential treatment: a state commission was announced to be set up in order to investigate all the cases; an important and strong opinion was expressed that „neither purple, nor Nobel, nor Oscar will protect against responsibility for paedophilia”.
The most important thing, however, is that the party leader restored the ideological core of the Law and Justice message, which allowed the formation to keep the voters, who seemed a little frightened by such matters as Jewish claims over heirless property, the offensive of LGBT ideology (here, in my opinion, Law and Justice kept silent about the attempts of these activists to enter the schools for too long), which was broken by a short „Stay away from our children!” He also sent a clear message to people horrified by the growing anti-Catholic extremism that they could count on his formation in defense of their rights to freely and peacefully profess their faith.
Prime Minister Kaczyński also clearly formulated the obvious, which sounded too rarely: that the ruling of the circles gathered in the European Coalition means almost a certain reversal of changes in the redistribution of national income, the takeover of everything by metropolises and privileged groups, as well as the deletion of pro-family programmes. He was credible in this warning as the author of the so-called „Kaczyński’s Five”, which was already in force (“thirteen” for pensioners, 500 plus for every child).
All of the above, in my opinion, tipped the balance. The last two weeks of the campaign were crucial. It reversed the trends. At the same time, an important myth was abolished, which despite the lack of evidence, was constantly prompted: that Jarosław Kaczyński is a politician who is unable to frontally pull the result above the threshold of the iron electorate; that he must hide behind others. It turned out to be the opposite: it was Kaczyński who personally mobilized the latent voters and brought them out of their homes, which resulted in a turnout growth on the part of the right-wing voters and, finally, a victory.
I would like to remind you that just before the election silence we wrote on our website: Summary of polls on the final straight. If the right-wing voters go to the polls, Law and Justice will definitely win!
This was fully confirmed.
Tłum. K.J.
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