In the latest issue of the weekly „Sieci” we have published an important conversation with Prof. Jan Żaryn about who and why falsifies history, how Poland really behaved in the face of the Holocaust, and if all this is aimed at forcing money from us? Historian, senator, editor-in-chief of the monthly „wSieci Historii”, Jan Żaryn in a conversation with Michał Karnowski about an attempt to falsify the history and the attitude of Poles towards Jews during World War II.
We must not let ourselves be fooled by lies about our history just because in the meantime we have been surrounded by lying myths, falsified narratives, especially about key moments such as World War II
— notes Professor Żaryn. At the same time, he emphasizes:
I certainly won’t let myself be silenced or intimidated. Undoubtedly, today we are at a stage where, as a nation, we have already learnt what a great duty it is to take care of the memory of Polish history.
Żaryn is also enquired about the attack of Prof. Jan Śpiewak, director of the Jewish Historical Institute, who in recent days has stated that..:
Jan Żaryn represents extremely nationalist circles in Poland; I do not think that his voice is in any way representative, although it is strong and, as usual, unconvincing. A very aggressive tone, but nothing seems to result from it.
Żaryn perceives the words of Śpiewak as insults.
In a serious public debate, words so stigmatizing can be regarded as insulting and invasive. But I would be lying if I said that I was somehow surprised. Since I have been publicly involved, that is from the mid-1990s, I have been repeatedly confronted with attacks of aggression because of the views I express. That is what it was, that is what it is, and that is what it will always be. The fact that Professor Śpiewak decided to join this trend does not bring any qualitative change from my point of view
— he said.
Tłum. K.J.
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