The indictment, which the National Prosecutor’s Office sent to the court has as many as 1000 pages and it is crushing for Stanislaw G., one of the leading members of the Civic Platform (PO) and former deputy minister of the environment in the government of the Civic Platform - PSL. Investigators accuse Stanisław G. of accepting 733 thousand zlotys of bribes in the so-called irrigation scandal.
The indictment confirms information from the portal and the weekly Sieci. We revealed that Stanisław G. accepted hundreds of thousands of zlotys in the form of bribes, two watches and an apartment in Croatia. The indictment against the Civic Platform MP Stanislaw G. also concerns money laundering, inducement to give at least 200 thousand zlotys of bribes, plagiarism of doctoral thesis and disclosure of classified information. Stanisław G. as the Secretary of State in the PO-PSL government accepted at least: 733 thousand zlotys of bribes, two watches and real estate in Croatia.
In April last year, Stanisław G. was arrested and released from custody in July 2018. The politician stressed that he was innocent and called the case „political”. The findings of the investigation, which we revealed in the portal and the weekly magazine Sieci, contradict the version of Stanisław G. A few witnesses testified against G.
According to the prosecutor’s office, the extensive indictment of over 1100 pages covered 32 people, who were accused of a total of 94 acts. Nine defendants were subjected to motions for voluntary submission to punishment.
Stanisław G. is facing up to 12 years in prison for accepting bribes.
Tłum. K.J.
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