The broadcast made by „Superwizjer” TVN about the alleged spontaneous performance by a group of Poles of the Nazi program of Adolf Hitler’s birthday celebrations was obviously used by both TVN and anti-Polish opinion-forming centers to slander Poland and Poles. All this indicates that the foundation of the whole operation was a lie, which is a part of the creation of the above-mentioned photo op. It seems natural, therefore, that not only a certain diagnosis of reality should take place, but also the consequence of this diagnosis.
— emphasized in an interview with the portal Prof. Jan Żaryn, senator of Law and Justice, referring to TVN’s material on “Hitler’s birthday party” and Wojciech Biedroń’s article in the weekly magazine „Sieci” on this subject.
Prof. Żaryn appealed to politicians not to appear on TVN and not to give any interviews there until the organization of „Hitler’s birthday party” has been clarified.
If it is true and it will be proved that TVN really created such an untrue event, of which it was a director from beginning to end, and at the same time it intentionally served the anti-Polish campaign, one has to think very hard whether the representatives of the Polish state should legitimize this TV station in any way through their presence and giving interviews there. It seems that we should not appear in it at least until the whole matter has been clarified and the management of TVN proves that it was a spontaneous action of individual employees of this station, for whose activities the management of TVN will apologies. Then you can possibly consider returning to this station and giving any interviews there.
— he said. Prof. Żaryn also emphasized that if this does not happen, it will mean the legitimization of the station, which presented the untruth about Poland with the aforementioned material.
Otherwise, the Polish state, which has been defamed, will at the same time, through its officials, legitimize the untruth concerning Poland. We should not allow treating such situations with impunity.
— he indicated.
Prof. Żaryn explained that his appeal is his own initiative and has never been consulted at any level of the government.
This is my own appeal and my own initiative. I have had some conversations that reassure me that my appeal makes sense, but it is has not been agreed at any level of the government. It, of course, doesn’t depend on me how the representatives of the state institutions, including the President and the Prime Minister, will respond to it. We are undoubtedly at such a stage that TVN should be the party explaining itself and, at best, apologizing for the insubordination of its own employees.
— he pointed out.
Senator Jan Żaryn also referred to the presentation of the Andrzej Woyciechowski Radio ZET Award to the authors of the „Superwizjer” TVN reportage „Polish neo-Nazis” (“Polscy neonaziści”).
First of all, the late Andrzej Wojciechowski (late founder of Radio Zet), who in a very broad environment is regarded as a man-foundation of the Polish media in an independent country, is probably turning in his grave. It is very significant that today there is any community in Poland which is responsible for creating opinions on the credibility of journalism, and it is this community that decides to award the prize to the creator of the „Superwizjer” programme.
— he said.
Tłum. KJ
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