„We were deceived by the Leszek Czarnecki’s banks. It was an institutionalised scam,” say the people who lost their savings as a result of the activities of banks belonging to one of the richest Poles. We listened to their poignant stories. They leave no doubt as to who is really the victim in the story about the billionaire from Wrocław
— writes Marek Pyza and Marcin Wikło in the latest issue of the weekly „Sieci”.
Publicists of the weekly “Sieci” report on the stories of people who lost their life savings through the products offered by Getin Bank.
„The Polish state is more likely to collapse than Leszek Czarnecki’s company” — told the sellers of the billionaire’s bank to their victims. They had developed sophisticated methods of lying to their customers and used it in different units and cities to dull their vigilance and sell an offer that ultimately deprived them of savings. They used the same phrases; they referred to Czarnecki’s authority as a man of success, who was supposed to be a guarantor of investment security.
They hoodwinked that the offer is addressed only to the most important customers; that it is so exclusive and urgent that you have to decide on it immediately. There was no mention about risk-bearing bonds, but much was said about a „solution” that was „more advantageous and safer than a deposit”. Personal advisers were preying on the trust built up over the years, in order to finally con somebody into buying the defective goods and take an exceptionally high commission. Everything looks like a precisely planned fraud, involving the army of trained swindlers
— write Pyza and Wikło. The fact that many operations related to the purchase of suspicious deposits were carried out without proper documentation raises serious doubts.
I had some doubts, because it was about freezing the money for as long as two years, but I was convinced by the slightly higher interest rate and assurances about the safety of this investment. The next morning I called Mrs. Agnieszka from the bank and said: „Finally I have decided to go for it.” I only heard the answer: „Good.”. Our conversation quickly ended. I received an e-mail with the account number (at Idea Bank) to which I transferred 1/3 of my savings. I didn’t realize at that time that by doing so I became the owner of GetBack bonds. I didn’t even sign anything!
— says one of the cheated clients of Getin Bank.
It is not true, what economic authorities of the 3rd Republic of Poland sometimes claim, that only greedy people without basic economic knowledge are tempted by the fraudulent offers. In this case we are not dealing with promises of unbelievably high profits (barely 2-3% more than typical offers on the market). And among the victims there are well-educated people, representatives of various professional groups. On the basis of internal questionnaires, our interviewees mention the following professions: IT engineer, accountant, PR specialist, English teacher, doctor, government employee, former receiver, Polish philologist, tax advisor, sailor, and even a few lawyers. A large number of them are retired
— report the publicists.
You can find more on this subject in the latest issue of „Sieci”, on sale since 26 November this year, also in the form of an e-edition at http://www.wsieciprawdy.pl/e-wydanie.html.
Tłum. KJ
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/423751-this-was-an-institutionalised-scam